Saturday, February 24, 2024

Clarks are Moving

 Josie and Kelton Balka just delivered their baby boy on Wednesday and are still in the hospital while their son has blue light therapy. Meanwhile, Katie and Travis Clark just shared a big announcement of their own. They are moving from New Jersey to Tennessee! 


  1. They should move where they want, but I’m sure Travis’ parents are devastated. They just build that whole playroom in their house and are so involved with Haley

    1. Travis' parents need to find other interests, if that's the case, and allow their son to leave and cleave.

  2. They should move where they want, but I’m sure Travis’ parents are devastated. They are so involved with Haley and just built the playroom in their house

  3. Of course they are moving to Tennessee. Josie was “homesick”

    1. I think you meant to say Katie.

    2. Josie already lives in TN. It’s Katie who was homesick and is moving from NJ back to TN with her husband and daughter.

    3. I understand why Katie wants to move back to TN, but I hope Gigi can see Hailey often. She loves her so much.

    4. If Katie was homesick, then of course they should move! It's odd how Katie's feelings are considered so unimportant here.

  4. must have missed somthing were did they say they are moving. also what kind of work does Travis do beside sing? for people so young they own a nice house car and travel alot.

  5. No big announcement. Katie couldn’t hack it in New Jersey.

  6. Did anyone really believe Katie would do well in New Jersey?

    1. NJ resident here who has also spent a lot of time in East TN visiting family. This does not surprise me at all! The culture gap is just too wide in many ways.

    2. I know. I'm pretty sure this move is to satisfy her. They had a nice house and were close to his family but apparently that wasn't enough for her.

    3. 8:16. Same. I much prefer my Northern New Jersey culture vs the South. I’ve lived in both. It does seem these “cleave and leave” families don’t do well with that part of their doctrine.

    4. 9:16,wow talk about a judgemental attitude. People move. It's not the end of the world. Both parents count when making a decision on where to live. They will visit his family just like they were visiting hers. Show some respect and grow up already.

    5. I think it’s awesome they are moving closer to Katie’s family.

    6. If it wasn't enough for Katie, then it's good they are moving. A "nice house" means nothing if you are sad.

  7. Well, that was fast.

  8. Congratulations to the Balka/Bates families on the addition of your precious little one. I pray that all is well with baby boy and Josie.

  9. I wish you could still be on TV, loved the show.

  10. Congratulations Josie and Kelton! I was waiting for Katie and Travis to announce that they were moving to Tennessee. My condolences are with Trace and Lydia and Lawson and Tiffany. May you be very blessed in this New Year. Amy

  11. Would you list where each state all the families are living in? I get lost sometimes trying to remember.

  12. What! Holy cow! I never would of thought Travis would give in to Katie and move to Tennessee to be near her family again. Wonder why they decided this?🤔

    1. Why would you say that? The money is with the Bates name. Of course they will move to Tennessee and obviously YouTube everything. Because, you know, ministry….

  13. What will Travis do for work since he won’t be near his family to sing?

    1. They can start posting videos on social media like the rest of the family does. It seems to be pretty lucrative.

    2. 9:52. You nailed it.

    3. Travis is an insurance agent on the side that is flexible with his schedule so he can travel around with his family and to Tennessee to visit Katie's family.

    4. Anon 10:04. If the insurance agent that handles my car and homeowner's insurance was always traveling and moved to another state, I would get someone else to do the job.

    5. 10:06, how often do you have to contact your agent that you know when they're traveling????

  14. I feel so sorry for Gigi…Travis’ mom. She’ll miss Haley so much!

  15. This seems to be all about what Katie wants. They had a nice place in NJ but she still was unahappy there. I wonder what Travis will do to support his family now.

    1. What's wrong with doing what Katie wants?

  16. I watched their youtube announcing the move. Travis did not give a valid reason for moving other than "the Lord is leading us there" schtick. Most couples make a move due to a job acceptance, health reasons or something else valid. They gave no real reason. We all know that it is Katie whose "leading them to Tennessee". It is her own want. Once again, they're pointing the finger at the Lord with her own will to move. I can't believe that they think living in a rental apartment will be better than living in a house they own outright. Travis says he'll be close to Nashville for his music and that's better. How is it better? Bruce Springsteen and John Bon Jovi both live in New Jersey and have had immense fame with their music while remaining in New Jersey. It's Katie nagging him to move back. Travis will now change his last name to Bates.

    1. Your assumptions are stated as truth.

    2. So what if they are moving because Katie's homesick? That seems like a good reason to me. Katie's feelings matter. Nothing wrong with living in an apartment--it's a lot easier, actually. Houses aren't automatically better.

  17. So Katie is moving back home bringing husband and baby along with her.

    1. Yes. I watched their “we are moving YouTube video”. My heart was so sad for Travis. It’s obviously a move to make Katie happy. She was trying, with not much success, to pretend to be empathetic. They said they are not selling their house. I can’t imagine being that young and able to afford a home in New Jersey and one in Tennesse. But there it is.

    2. 9:49. Best answer given. Of course they will “spiritualize” it. I mean how convenient the Lord is “leading” them back to Katie’s family without jobs or actual plans. But, hey, as Katie said over and over the 2 years she allowed Travis to live near his family after marriage were “amazing”. So there you have it Travis! 24 months of “amazing” and the next 60 years cleaving to Katie’s family.

  18. Big, big mistake in moving to Tennessee.

  19. If you watch their YouTube video, you will see that they are actually moving for Travis to be close to Nashville for his singing career. They are not selling their NJ house and not buying a house in Tennessee. So it doesn’t seem like they plan for this to be a permanent move.


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