
Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Another Bates Baby

In December, we posted the heartbreaking news of Lawson and Tiffany Bates' miscarriage. Before Christmas, they actually found out that they were expecting again, and they just made that announcement public. 

In their latest YouTube video, they show Tiffany telling Lawson. They also show the moment when they share the news with Kelly Bates over FaceTime and then ask her to make them an appointment with Dr. Vick, the Bates family's trusted OBGYN. Lawson writes a sweet letter to the baby, as well. He or she is due to arrive in early summer 2024.


  1. I hope Michaela Keilen gets pregnant again after her miscarriage. She and Brandon would both be good parents. They are destined to become parents.

    1. Please would people STOP doing that! Don’t make Lawson and Tiffany feel bad because they are pregnant. What..they are not allowed to have a baby because Micheala can’t? Wow! So the world should STOP because the Keilen cant have kids? I just can’t with insensitive people on here

    2. I feel bad for them

    3. Remember it's up to God. How many babies they have.

    4. I don't think making baby after baby is God's idea. I think it's the couple's own idea. Infertility isn't God's idea either. It's a medical problem that can be addressed these days.

    5. 6:47 If your god decides who has kids and how many they have, he's doesn't appear up for the job. There are countless babies born to abusive and neglectful people and there are kids languishing in foster homes, waiting for permanent and loving families. Then we have those who really want children and would make good parents, but find themselves struggling to conceive. And if god decides, then all the babies born outside of marriage were meant to be here, too, so no one can complain about single mothers.

    6. @8:41 It's what you say when you don't want to take any personal responsibility!

  2. Awesome, praying for baby and family.

  3. Are they going to do a gender reveal or wait until the baby is born to find out if it’s a he or she?

  4. I'm glad for them. I hope all goes well this time around.

  5. Awwww good for them! Thank God.

  6. Awwwww...good for them. May God continue to bless them.

  7. I miss watching your show

  8. I miss your watching your show

  9. Why would Kelly make the appointment with Dr. Vick? Can't Lawson or Tiffany call? If you are ready to be a parent, you need to be able to make your own appointments.

    1. You make a good point.

    2. Dr Vick is friends with Kelly and Gill so I would assume he would pick up her phone call rather than having Lawson and Tiffany call with an unknown number.

    3. Because Kelly Joe is very close with Dr Vick. I don't see a problem with Kelly making the first initial appointment

    4. This was my first thought also. They had to get Mommy to call and schedule a Dr. appointment? This couple seems very immature to me.

    5. if they just had a miscarriage, Tiffany should have already had a Dr. There should have been no need for Kelli to make an appointment for her. Time to cut the apron strings.

    6. I am not a snarky person about the Bates, but I agree, a bit weird. You also don’t call the dr himself 😂 he has a front office for that.

  10. Again why post intimate family moments on social media.

  11. So all that sobbing was just to get views? Pathetic, sorry couple

    1. So it seems. Sigh.

    2. Wow, you have a very cold heart! Obviously haven’t gone through a miscarriage yourself!! Or you would be more understanding!!! I am sure that they weren’t aware that they were pregnant again when they posted about their loss, And they were rather surprised when they got pregnant so quickly after, so no, DEFINITELY NOT done for show!!

    3. Agree. They must have known they were pregnant at the time they posted their videos about their miscarriage.

    4. Yep. Somehow I was suspicious of that two part video and my sense we were being played turned out to be correct.

    5. Anon 4:01 Considering the overly dramatic miscarriage video and the fact their baby is due around the first of July, it's obvious they knew they were pregnant. I can't blame people for being offended by their behavior.

    6. @8:55-I don’t trust these two. I’m suspicious of Tiffany for some reason and I just don’t understand what Lawson is about. They definitely knew they were already pregnant after posting about their miscarriage.

    7. @401, it does not matter if someone has had a miscarriage or not. Posting a highly edited two part video of a private moment is sad and pathetic.

    8. Well, maybe - they wanted to pay tribute to the first baby but weren't emotionally ready before they found out about the second baby. Just a thought. We don't know what their thoughts and feelings were, so it's presumptuous to judge them as though we do know.

    9. If you dont like them why get on here and trash them!!

  12. Congratulations! I'm so happy for them having a rainbow baby.😊👶🏼🌈 Praying all goes well with the pregnancy this time. I had thought Dr. Vic retired because the last few Bates grandbabies I've seen born have been delivered by a different doctor.

  13. That’s awesome, congratulations to them! Prayers for a safe, healthy pregnancy & delivery!

  14. So excited for Lawson and Tiffany!

  15. That's great, but I don't understand why Kelly needs to make doctor appointments for them.

    1. My guess is that Kelly Jo has Dr. Vick in her phone and obviously knows him well so Tiffany can get in sooner. Lawson being a male would have no reason to have ever called Dr. Vick, nor have him in his phone contacts. I just love this whole family and Dr. Vick. God bless you!

    2. I know! Grown adults expecting a baby need mother to make an appointment for said baby🤦‍♀️. Only Law & Tiff.

    3. Don't need to kELLY TO CALL THESE ARE2 adult kids that are capable of of making own appts. They need to grow up. Can't they find there own doctor.

    4. Also how old is Doctor Vick now? The situation is weird. Like someone said only Tiffany and Lawson. Seem to like attention!

  16. Baby registries are great and all,but I find it inappropriate to be asking for cupcakes liners. I don't want to say grifting but that's what it is.

    1. I'm not on board with that sort of thing. Apparently they also think that nobody would notice that they knew they were pregnant again when they posted that two part miscarriage video.

    2. Sometimes people put things on there so they can purchase them using a registry discount, not actually expecting others to buy everything (no way to tell for sure, just a thought)

    3. Maybe she's going to use them to freeze individual portions of baby food. Some people use those silicone ice cube trays for that too.

    4. Thanks for all the responses, I just think the cupcake liners are something she can buy on her own. Registries should be things the baby needs . That all I meant with my comment.

  17. Congratulations guys 🥳🎊🎈🎈🎈👶

  18. Congratulations 👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻

  19. I am sooo happy for Tiffany and Lawson! Love watching the Bates on tubi! They are very kind people! Love isn't a religion, it's where your heart is with Jesus

  20. My heart goes out for both of them...having had 13 miscarriages myself..most around the 5th month so l can relate! I think Kelly probably volunteered to call their OB/ZGYN..trying to take some of the weight off of their shoulders..sweet as she is!They were just sharing some precious news with all of us...since so many people ask over & over for thoughts & prayers are with all the family...may they be blessed!❤️❤️❤️

    1. Take what weight off their shoulders? Most women can’t wait to make that first appointment call with their on/gyn. That being said-odd that Tiffany wouldn’t have an Ob/gyn after just having a miscarriage that SHE would want to make an appointment with.

    2. I literally have a fear of making phone calls. I’d love if someone volunteered to call and make my appointments. My husband usually does.

  21. Congratulations! Prayers for a healthy baby and Mom.🙏👍🌈👶👼

  22. Do the math. They posted that tear jerking miscarriage video beginning Dec. 19th. This baby is due "early summer" which means end of June, beginning of July. They had to have known they were pregnant again when they posted it. I'm not on board with this pair of drama queens and their antics.

    1. That is so weird. Like they think life has to be scripted like a TV show.

  23. It's inappropriate to put cupcake liners on a BABY registry. I let Tiffany and Lawson know it.

    1. Grifting is never appropriate. Especially by people who can afford it.

    2. If you don’t know them well enough to tell them your opinion yourself, why are you even looking at their baby registry and judging what they chose to put on it?

  24. Then why did they sell their house and purchase an RV to travel in?

  25. I think Lawson said this will be a July baby. That means Tiffany well into her second trimester. And that means Tiffany was already pregnant with this baby when they posted their several part “miscarriage docuseries” complete with shadow box and balloon send-off. I’m happy for this new little life, but it’s a bit twisted to how they’ve gone about this.

  26. There is something very off about posting videos announcing a pregnancy that ends very sadly in miscarriage in parts 1 and 2 knowing all the time you’re already pregnant with the next child. This is just very disturbing and distasteful.

  27. If Michaela can’t get pregnant again, she and Brandon should adopt.

    1. Why are you obsessed with her having a baby? Leave them alone and stop offering opinions to them! We are nobody to them!

    2. 7:24 I think it's wise to let people make their own decisions about family planning, whether it's how many kids they have, contraception, terminating a pregnancy, IVF, surrogacy, or adoption. It's shouldn't be anyone else's business. Telling someone else what they "should" do is out of line.

  28. Maybe the 1st pregnancy was actually twins and Tiffany sadly lost one... just a thought

  29. Her registry is miles-long and everything is top dollar. I don't know how I ever managed to raise kids without a $450 stroller...

    1. Me too. I got a used one at a yard sale. Silly me, I should have put in for a $450.00 one on a baby registry.

    2. Why are you looking at her registry? Are you buying them a gift? Then just order something in your budget. If not, did you just look at it so you could post negative things about them on this blog? The registry, is there so that people who love them and want to buy them something know the things that they would like to have. It’s not there for strangers to look at, and then complain about. Ridiculous!

    3. I have to wonder why you were checking out their baby registry. Were you planning to buy them a gift?

    4. I think cupcake liners on baby registry are inappropriate, she can buy those herself. I let then know how inappropriate that is

    5. My goodness 444, all upset over that? If they wanted a private registry, they could have set it that way or better yet, not had one. They could have relied on the generosity of others without dictating price and quantity.

    6. @5:51 @4:44 She puts her registry online, announces to the entire world that she's pregnant, but nobody is supposed to look at her registry?

    7. They posted the registry in the description box on their video I don't think people looking at the registry is weird, nobody could probably afford anything off the registry because of how expensive and high end everything is .

    8. Cupcake liners don't sound very expensive... I don't think they're inappropriate either. Don't buy her those if you don't want to, then it's not your problem.

    9. I read their registry only because someone said it had cupcake liners on it. That peaked my interest and I didn't see them on the Amazon one anyway.

    10. 7:59, I think it's inappropriate to tell strangers what they should put on their registry.

    11. Who are you to tell someone what to and not put on their registry? That is what is incredibly inappropriate.

    12. For all the people who are just so angry that they posted their miscarriage video when they knew they were already pregnant again --- it is highly unlikely they do all the editing of their content themselves and they likely had that video set for production well in advance. This is their career and they kept to schedule regardless of what else was happening in their lives. They wanted to make sure that they honored their child. It doesn't matter if they found out they were expecting again, they wanted to share the baby they lost and not just let it disappear because they had a pregnancy announcement to make. That would likely feel dishonest to them. People really need to stop being so cruel and dismissive of people they don't know.

    13. @2:37 It's rather odd to check out someone's registry, including a stranger's, if you have no intention of buying anything for them.

    14. @12:07 Registries are public. There's nothing odd about looking at them. You can come across stuff you didn't know existed.

  30. I wish them well, but I now see that 2 part miscarriage video as incredibly self-serving.

  31. I hope everything goes well and they have a healthy baby, but I'm growing a bit weary of this entitled young couple.

  32. I'm curious as to why Tiffany is see Dr. Vick? Don't she and Lawson live in Nashville, Kelly in Rock Top/Knoxville area? They are approximately 2.5 hrs from each other. Why would you have an OBGYN 2.5 hrs from where you live?

    1. I know. It does seem very inconvenient to say the least but it's their choice.

    2. They did mention that it was a preliminary visit to make sure everything was ok and it’s kind of a tradition for the pregnant Bates women to see him first, since he delivered so many Bates over the years and is close with the family. Both Lawson and Tiffany did say they were going to find an OBGYN in Nashville.

  33. Congratulations Tiffany and Lawson. What wonderful news. Wishing you all the best. Blessings

  34. The Great scandal of cupcake liners! I will be sure to put cupcake liners on my baby registry should I have another child. Imagine the looks at my baby shower when I unwrap my beloved cupcake liners that cost $13.75! They will all know what a fraud a really am.


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