Friday, March 22, 2024

Bates Couple Announces No. 2

Get ready! There's another wave of Bates babies coming soon. Tori and Bobby Smith announced last October that they were expecting their fifth baby, followed by Lawson and Tiffany Bates' announcement of their rainbow baby on the way earlier this month. And now, Nathan and Esther Bates have jumped on board. They just shared that little Kenna will be gaining her first sibling this fall.

Gil and Kelly Bates gained five grandchildren in 2023 (Hailey Clark, Rhett Webster, Lily Bates, Ryker Bates, and William Paine). Considering that one baby (Miles Balka) has already arrived in 2024, do you think this will be an even bigger year for Bates babies?


  1. Another bumper crop of babies. I wasn't too surprised by Esther's announcement. I'd say two more are on the horizon.

  2. Congratulations Nathan Esther and Kenna! I pray for a happy and healthy baby and Mom.

  3. I’m guessing that these ladies will announce a pregnancy by the end of the year: Lydia, Katie, and Emerson.

  4. I think Carlin and Katie are pregnant also.

    1. I think you're right. Then there's Jackson and Emmerson. I think they'll be announcing a pregnancy soon.

  5. My gosh, this is not a competition! Having kids so you can to add to the numbers and beat another year is crazy.

    1. They believe children are a blessing from the Lord, that's why they all have large families, but they have all admitted to not doing it like their parents, they use contraception, they have said they space their children and they limit their family size,even if they have large families because they love children and loved growing up in a large family and also know how to handle a large family, they learned from their parents.

    2. Fan and blog speculation does not equal THEIR motive for having more kids. I think they just genuinely value and proritize family and children.

  6. Congratulations Nathan and Esther! I can't wait for Grandbaby Bates #31 this Fall. Four new grandbabies (1 already born and 3 to come) in 2024 so far is great. Predicting it won't be long and Carlin and Evan, Jackson and Emerson,and Katie and Travis and hopefully at long last Michealla and Brandon will all be next to announce pregnancies.

    1. Michael has already stated a few years back that a pregnancy will never happen again for her husband her.

    2. Michael has already told everyone that a pregnancy is out of the question for Brandon and her.

  7. Neddy Constant
    Time 4:50AM Sat 3/23/24

  8. Nathan needs to lose some weight. Maybe he doesn’t realize how it will impact his health. His wife is so pretty. I don’t get this pairing.

    1. I completely agree with you!

    2. Well he's very active as seen in many photos and him and his wife obviously consume the same diet so his weight is probably inherited low functioning metabolism that he inherited from Kelly,Michaela has also put on weight, I know because that happened to two of my four brothers, they started putting on weight unexplainably in their early thirties as had happened to my mother in her early thirties,and going on a diet only makes them lose a little weight and takes a long time.

    3. Shallow much?

    4. Neddy Constant
      Dont worry about his health
      Only a doctor could tell him
      That. FYI not all overweight is
      Unhealthy. If he wants to lose weight
      That is his business
      Time 9:31AM Thurs 3/28/24

    5. seriously, how rude

  9. I hope Michaela Keilen can get pregnant again with no miscarriage. She and Brandon are destined to be good parents. If not, I hope they adopt newborn babies.

  10. I don't think it's the number of babies that matters. It's how they are cared for.

  11. So happy to hear this! Congratulations! 🙂

  12. Wishing happiness for every member of the Bates family.

  13. So happy for them!

  14. Well the Bates children have admitted to spacing their children and Alyssa isn't having anymore so maybe 5 this year,as well as I reckon that Nathan and Esther announced early,as they are due in October, because Jackson and Emerson are announcing soon but I think if there will be other pregnancy announcements it will be later in the year and expecting next year for the other married couples.

    1. This whole family seems to be in a competition. They usually put out a baby every couple of years. The more of them that get married, the more babies arrive every year.

  15. Right on schedule. I'm expecting at least two more pregnancy announcements this Spring.

  16. Did they say that she's having twins?

  17. Carlin has said she plans to wait a bit longer to have another baby. She just recently started driving again after all of her passing out issues. I doubt she will announce a pregnancy this year, but maybe next year. I do think that Lydia will be pregnant again soon after her miscarriage. I also think Katie will get pregnant again this year with baby #2. I’m guessing that Jackson and Emerson will follow every one else by being pregnant by their 1st anniversary. Hoping Michaela gets to be a mom soon. Whitney and Erin may very well be pregnant by the end of this year or early next year. Tori is due soon.

  18. Well the married couples average a baby every two years so that works out to be around 5 babies every year. I'd say there are a least two more pregnancy announcements coming soon.

  19. I think Lydia, Katie, and Emerson are all likely to announce pregnancies in the next few months.

  20. If this family didn't always have someone always having a baby or getting married, they wouldn't need this blog

  21. This family has a baby OBESSION.Slow down travel work go to college it's not a RACE OR IS IT?

    1. It's a race. The one with the most babies wins. lol

    2. 8:26,when you allow pregnancy to happen naturally, it isn't unusual to have a baby every few years. That's also what our great grandparents and grandparents did before birth control came along. If the Bates are happy and content with that and it doesn't personally affect your life, I don't understand why you have a problem with it? It's not a race,it's allowing nature to takes its course. This website is for people who want to hear what's new with the family and share the joy, not to make fun of them or righteously judge. I guess you didn't get the memo.

    3. @11:16 Unless you're using assisted fertility treatments to conceive, or a woman is raped, all pregnancies happen "naturally." There's nothing unnatural about preventing pregnancy.
      Women in the good old days before birth control, were at the mercy of relentless pregnancies and childbirth and it was no picnic. My own grandmother was miserable and her body worn out. If she'd had contraception available, she'd have used it, but eventually resorted to having her own bedroom and locking the door as her birth control!

    4. @2:19 my great grandmothers had 11 and 13 kids respectively. Both enjoyed good health and lived to their 80s and 90s. They were not miserable and loved and enjoyed their kids. And furthermore birth control is unnatural because the methods are man made. God's built in birth control is during that natural time during a woman's monthly cycle when she's 80 to 90% less likely to fall pregnant. A woman has to do a little figuring but she can figure out when that time is per month.

    5. Medicine is man made but I bet you take that! Your phone is man made too.

  22. Tori's baby is due soon. My guess is that Emerson, Katie and possibly Carlin are pregnant. I expect a flurry of pregnancy announcements soon.


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