
Thursday, March 28, 2024

New TN Residents

Katie and Travis Clark have officially arrived in East stay! The couple announced just last month that they would be leaving New Jersey. Moving day has come and gone, and they are now settled into their new apartment. Katie will be close to her family, and Hailey Clark will have plenty of cousins to play with.

Katie and Travis shared a YouTube video that shows footage of them packing up their belongings and enjoying their last moments in New Jersey. They still own their house and are renting it out. Katie has lived in New Jersey since she and Travis got married in December 2021.


  1. I’m sure it’s comforting to Travis to still own their NJ home…just in case things don’t work out in TN.

    1. Have you seen that video of Travis' grandfather playing a "game" where he tries to hit Travis with a belt? I'm guessing Travis is glad to be in TN.

  2. Good for them! Katie’s needs matter too!

    1. 8:20 Tell that to military spouses who have to go wherever duty takes them. You grow up, stop worrying about "needs," and focus on the life you have together, no matter where that is. If you don't, you'll fail. I ended up living places I never dreamed I would. At every duty station, I looked for what the area had to offer me, but more importantly, what I had to offer it.

    2. Exactly- so happy she’s gettng close to home!

    3. Why should Katie live like a military spouse if she doesn't have to? And of course her needs matter, if yours didn't I am sorry for you.

    4. 8:18. I’m a military wife. While I appreciate and understand your comment, and completely a military spouse; Katie is so far removed from being a military spouse it’s not a comparable situation. Honestly, Katie is a spoiled young woman who has the luxury of running back home.

    5. So funny that "needs" are in quotes, like they aren't real. I guess they aren't real for women. It's fine if Travis needs to be close to his parents, just not Katie.

    6. I think 8:18's point is that some women don't have a choice so they are adult enough to make the best of what they do have, instead of whining for home or being miserable about it until their husbands give in. My niece is having a ball married to a military man, living all over the world. They don't have to make a decision about whose parents to live closer to. Uncle Sam decides for them. She has blossomed and the kids are now multi-lingual. I can't see Katie doing the same by not leaving TN. Wouldn't hurt her to have to live like a military spouse.

  3. Guess they were too "blue" living in NJ.

  4. So they're renting the house in NJ out. Apparently Travis has hopes of returning there. Guess we'll see.

    1. Katie’s feelings are just as important!

  5. We all knew Katie couldn't hack not living near Mommy and Daddy!

    1. I'm glad she got what she wanted, then.

    2. You got that right!

    3. Yes, it’s wonderful!

    4. That's a pretty mean thing to say about a very young mother. Women should support each other.

  6. Saw their videos of them packing up and moving to Tennessee and I'm glad they are settling in. It's not easy to downsize from a nice house to a small apartment but looks like they should do fine living there for awhile. They now are the only Bates family couple living in an apartment while the rest live and own/rent homes.

  7. They're going to have a strained marriage if they're always making major changes to meet one or the other's needs. Marriage is about compromise. That means if you end up living somewhere because your spouse feels it's best or has to be there (job), you make it work. Did Katie ever try to fit in and embrace a NJ lifestyle? Or did she keep mooning over TN until Travis gave in? The fact that they kept the house is telling.

    1. People from rural Appalachia are not going to fit in in New Jersey! The lifestyle gap is just too wide. Katie is better off back in TN. Even though Travis is from NJ, his religiosity will help him fit in down in TN. He also seems pretty laid back, so he’s probably ok with moving.

    2. Their relationship seems very happy, probably because they don't just focus on what Travis wants. They are young and will enjoy their new adventure! Travis' parents seem very controlling anyway, probably good for them to get away.

    3. Sounds like marriage is just compromise for the women in your world.

    4. In other words, it doesn’t matter if Katie missed her family. Luckily it mattered to Travis.

  8. Yeah. Keep the house in NJ. Then they can shuttle back and forth every two years.

    1. Sure, why not? Can't blame them for not wanting to settle in one place while in their 20's.

  9. So pleased the beautiful lady is back with family❤️

    1. Pity Travis had to give up HIS family so that could happen.

    2. And Travis is away from his….

    3. Just as Katie was away from hers. You give and you take in marriage

    4. "Travis gets to come first, he's the man!" That's what I'm hearing.

  10. I’m not surprised at all! I could tell that Katie hated NJ.

  11. Whatt next? Her pregnancy announcement?

  12. They are already complaining about how small their apartment is and taking the dog out for potty breaks and hearing tenets next door. Oh to be so very, very young and so entitled as to afford a home in NJ, get an apartment in Tennessee, have enough food, friends and family and still complain.

    1. I know. Seems downsizing to a smaller place wasn't as great as they thought it would be. lol

    2. People with food and friends don’t get to complain?

    3. 10:28. No. Spoiled and entitled 20 year olds don’t get to complain. They literally have NOTHING to complain about, but there they are…complaining ….

    4. They can complain all they want. And they have problems, just like the rest of us.

    5. Actually, she is pregnant. That's why they "complained" their apartment was too small. They're having a baby!

  13. I could tell that Katie was very homesick which is very easy to be when you love your family. I feel sad for Travis’s parents though. They tried so hard to show their deep love for them and for Hailey. Making that special play room for her and her cousin was so kind of them! They are amazing and loving parents and in-laws. and I know Travis is very close to his parents. In addition to drive to Nashville every week! That is such a busy city. We need to pray for his safety because there are crazy people on the road driving. Katie will so enjoy being close to her family now.

  14. They moved to Tennessee so Travis could work on his music career
    Watch the video

    1. Really? What stopped him from working on his career in NJ?

    2. He didnt' want to. Also, Nashville is in TN

  15. Watch their videos. They move so Travis could work on his music

  16. What a couple. They move to Tennessee so Katie can be near her parents, then they suddenly discover their apartment is smaller than their house and they can hear the neighbors in the other apartments. Oh oops! Maybe NJ wasn't so baqd after all. lol

  17. This couple both seem very immature. Neither one of them was ready to leave the nest and both want to be near their parents. They knew the size of the apartment when they rented it and now complain because it's "small". Wow.

    1. If they'll function better near their parents, that's where they should be. You can't force someone to mature. They're 22, not 42, it makes sense!

  18. She's pregnant again!


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