
Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Why are the Clarks Moving?

Have you heard Katie and Travis Clark's big news? They are moving to East Tennessee! We posted the announcement last month. Many have guessed that they are leaving New Jersey because Katie is homesick for her family, but that's actually not the reason. Travis wants to be more dedicated to his music career, and in order to spend more time in Nashville, it makes sense to live in Tennessee. 

Katie and Travis still want to be close to family, though, so they are renting a two bedroom apartment in the Knoxville area, with the idea that Travis will commute to Music City. You can hear more about the couple's plans in their latest YouTube video.


  1. Sure thing. So why didn't they move to Nashville? BTW. How's Lawson's music career going?

    1. Lawsons career is also based in Nashville,they could travel together, it's likely that Lawson is helping Travis with his career getting him involved in the same music studios as him,and it's handy to be near family they can babysit so that if Travis needs his wife for anything they don't have to depend in a stranger to babysit,family is more trusted and it is a bonus to have family nearby so Katie doesn't get lonely and Haley has all her cousins to play with instead of being stuck at home with no company of her age,it's a win win situation really,don't know why people are complaining, I would have done the same.

    2. They literally said they want to be near family so he will commute to Nashville!

    3. Doesn't Lawson live in Nashville?

  2. If Travis wishes to be more involved with building a music career, he should then move to Nashville...not around the corner from Katie's family and commute. I still believe it's Katie wanting to move back right by her family.

    1. So basically you are calling them liars. Ridiculous!

    2. Maybe watch their vlog and see the reason instead of being snarky?

  3. Travis is gong to pursue a musical career in Nashville by moving to Knoxville which is about 80 miles away? Does he expect anyone to believe this story?

    1. You do realize a lot of people commute for an hour or more every day. It's far less expensive to live in Knoxville than Nashville and since he won't be there every single day, this actually makes a lot of sense.

    2. I doubt they care whether you believe it. Why would two twenty-somethings care what an anonymous stranger thinks about their decision?

    3. 5:35PM: Knoxville to Nashville is more like 180 miles, not 80. A good 2.5 to 3 hr drive!!!!

    4. According to map quest Nashville to Knoxville is over 2 hours away! This move is because Katie wants back in Tennessee right next door to Mom and Dad and siblings. Most of us are trying to put food on the table and keep a roof over our families heads. It’s easy to be “lead” to Nashville while renting a place in Knoxville with the ability to go back to the house you own in New Jersey when you’re wealthy. It just gets tiresome when they use Christianese to make it sound so “Godly” when it’s just a personal desire to make Katie happy.

    5. I agree @12:48. Good for them for doing what they want. They obviously can afford 2 living accommodations, travel, long commutes etc. They are wealthy YouTube influencers due to Katie being a Bates and her parents TV show. Katie didn’t want to stay in New Jersey. Ok. Fine. Just call it what is though and stop trying to make it into some Biblical “leading”.

    6. First off, who still uses Mapquest 🤣 second of all, he won’t be there every day. If he was communting there and back every day, then that would be ridiculous. Sounds like you have a lot of bitterness and resentment towards people because you’re struggling in your own life. I pray you find peace with that.

  4. Congratulations to Tiffany and Lawson on their Rainbow baby.

  5. Come on man. Anyone who wants to pursue a musical career in Nashville moves THERE not to Knoxville. This was all about what Katie wants for sure.

  6. Allegedly The Lord is “leading” Travis to Nashville to further his music career to they are renting an apartment nearly 100 miles away in Knoxville to be right smack-dab next to Katie’s family?!? Okey-dokey.

  7. For all the people saying they should move to Nashville, it probably makes more sense to be near family on a daily basis and just be close enough to drive to Nashville when needed. It likely won't be every day that he needs to go (especially in this era of Zoom meetings), but seeing her family might be. Who knows, maybe she'll get in on the boutique or something, so she could have a job locally as well.

    1. They were near family in New Jersey. Travis’s family. Zoom calls are viable from New Jersey too. Katie kept interrupting Travis, who looked like he was about to cry at the thought of leaving his family, to interject how “amazing” his family is and how “close” she has become to Travis’s family….just wasn’t “amazing” enough to stay “close”.

  8. Nashville to Knoxville is about a 2.5 hour drive. Yeah. That sounds like a reasonable commute. I believe someone is being “lead”, but it’s by his wife!

  9. Would love to see them for liked a half hour weekly so we can start on touch

  10. If they are moving because Katie is homesick, I say, good for them! Katie's feelings are important. Besides, if she's depressed, she can't be a good mom to daughter. This community gives little enough value to women's feelings, I am glad Travis cares how his wife feels.

    1. I agree and they should just say so instead of making up this lame story about Travis pursuing a "music career".

    2. Travis is doing promotional sponsorship ads for “BetterHelp” online therapy for his anxiety. I dare say his feelings are just as valid as Katie’s.

    3. He’s young and probably is having a tough time with being married to a girl who’s never lived away from her family, a new father and maybe unable to figure out how to continue his role with his families singing group.
      She’s homesick. Rural girl moves to the wild northeast!

  11. I agree with all above comments about Travis music career..

  12. I think this family is very co-dependent. Katie's needs are important and should be addressed. I think they would have done better to acknowledge that she needed the comfort and reassurance of being near her family, rather than pretending they were "led by God" to move to Knoxville. I always see being honest as the best road to follow.

  13. Over the years I've become rather skeptical of people being "led by God" as they usually are simply justifying satisfying there own wants and needs.

    1. I think that narrative springs from the culture in many churches were everything you do is supposed to be of a "goldly" nature and people feel guilty when they take care of their very real personal needs. Just a thought.

  14. Good for them! This makes total sense! He can easily drive 2 or so hours when need be instead of flying from NJ. He has a place to stay with Lawson if he needs to overnight. And they also have all the benefits to being near Katie's large family. Sounds like a perfect plan to me!

  15. They both come across as rather immature. Their parental separation anxiety issues may turn out to be an ongoing problem throughout their marriage as neither one is happy unless they are close to their parents.

  16. I would think remaining in New Jersey and being so close to New York City would be better for someone in the recording industry. I still believe this is Travis caving into Katie's longing to be back with her own family. No need to be 3 hours away from Nashville and trying to convince people that this is better, career-wise.

  17. Has anyone taken in consideration that it's probably cheaper to live in the area of Katie's family than in Nashville? I'm sure they're saving a considerable amount even with the cost of his commute.

  18. I wonder what will happen to the house in Jersey? Too bad they couldn't take it to Tennessee and plop it down on some land, a house is better than an apartment imo.


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