Sunday, April 28, 2024

Cooking with Mama B

Have you heard about Zach Bates' newest venture? He just started a YouTube cooking show called Bates Kitchen. So far, he has shared his recipes for creamy lemon basil chicken, homemade pasta, quesadillas, and chicken alfredo. He also invited his mom to be a guest on the show and share her recipe for chicken salad. In the video, Kelly Bates walks her oldest son through how to prepare it, and she also shares some Callaham family history.


  1. I watched the first few minutes of Creamy Lemon Basil chicken and bailed after he put the cracked eggs back in the carton with the rest of the remaining eggs, plus never washed his hands afterwards. Hello, cross-contamination and salmonella. I don't need to watch more to know we're not dealing with a cook who should be sharing info with others.

    1. Grow up!! My mom does that every now & then & so do I as well as many others I know, when there’s only a few left in the carton. We dispose of the shells & that opposite side portion of the carton that’s no longer necessary & just would take up extra space all in one swoop! It’s actually a hack & a smart one!!

    2. You know you can watch the video and make the recipe and choose NOT to put egg shells in the carton and make sure to wash your hands, right?

    3. I didn't watch the show you're referring to so I missed that scene. Hopefully, he doesn't do that sort of thing when he's actually cooking meals for his family and was just playing to the camera for the cooking show.

    4. Yeah. If he put empty egg shells back in the carton at my house, he'd lose his kitchen privileges. Don't they have a trash can in their kitchen?

    5. One of the videos has a big old fly buzzing through the kitchen. Eww.

    6. That is not the only cringe-worthy sanitation scene with his cooking. I get the feeling he experienced a lot of shortcuts in that department while growing up. But food poisoning is no joke, and it most definitely happens if you're not careful. You have to be extra careful these days, when food comes into our homes already potentially contaminated. Eggs included.

    7. @12:21 if you have some secret magic way to keep bugs out of your kitchen we'd love to hear it. Good grief since when can one keep flies or any bug out of their house?

    8. Oh, my goodness. Flies show up lots of places. You aren't eating the food, so what is your problem?

    9. 5:22 You keep your doors and windows shut or screened. You hang up fly strips. You watch what's going on in your kitchen when you're cooking.. You set out traps. You hire an exterminator. If Zach were cooking professionally, he'd have to do all that and more or else find the health inspector deducting points on his sanitation score.

    10. @10:32 oh yeah do that already. It works so well. Come on seriously? I could keep my house shut up tight and I still get bugs inside. Fact of life, folks. Bugs will find a way in no matter your precautions. You learn to live with them.

    11. No, you get your kitchen shut down by the inspector, 7:22. They find evidence of any kind of bugs and there goes your score down the tubes, and for the public to know about.

    12. 6:39, inspectors don't go to home kitchens. 🙄

  2. I wash my hands after I crack my eggs, but seriously I think people need to realize that we don't have to 100% copy cat someone. I have recipes I don't fully follow. I don't have to do exactly as someone else does to get a good recipe. Seriously ignore what he does and focus on the ingredients and steps, not his hands. Good grief I have watched many cooking shows, professional ones, and they didn't always wash their hands between ingredients. Sometimes I think people are just looking for something to critique.

    1. If you watch a cooking video and you have to ignore what the cook is doing, then why bother watching a video at all? Just download a recipe. This guy is trying to earn money doing something he obviously is not the best at.

    2. Yeah, he should just publish a cookbook and not try to be some YouTube or TV chef. Then he could leave drippy eggshells wherever he wanted.

  3. You're not eating what he made. Make it Yourself and wash your hands while you do it. How hard is that? He's a guy. They don't think about such things as much as a woman does.

    1. Don't make excuses for him. If he's going to cook for his family, the least he can do is keep his hands clean and not risk making everyone sick.

    2. I know I'm gonna be jumped on for this, but I'm gonna say it anyway: I do wash my hands when I cook, however, I have a tendency of dropping food on the floor because I'm a butter fingers. I pick it up and put it right back in the pot. Been doing this for years and no one has sickened or died. So I'm of the opinion that people go overboard on worrying about germs.

    3. Yeah you know germs aren't all powerful killers. My dad told me a story about a woman who was a family friend back when he was a boy in the 60s. She lived in such an old house, the flooring was pulling apart and you could see the dirt under the house. Whenever she fed people breakfast she made them toast. The bread literally flew from the old toaster and landed on the floor or into the cracks and to the dirt below. She'd fish it out, blow it off, butter it and serve it anyway. Dad says no one complained but simply ate that toast. No one got sick as far as he ever knew. he didn't at any rate.

    4. My mom spent hours making beautiful mini cream pies and put them on a tray in the fridge. Dad opened the fridge and they all fell out and broke on the floor. My poor mom began to cry so Dad, my siblings and I got on our knees and ate all of them right off the floor! The whole time we kept saying "it's okay, Mom. Its still so good!" Scraping whipped cream off the floor and eating it didn't hurt us and that floor was definitely not the cleanest. We had dogs.

    5. Anon 8:45. Eeeww. Glad I don't eat at your place.

    6. 6:45 You wouldn't pick up food off the floor and throw it back in the pot if you had your floor swabbed and cultured and saw what was on it. Nasty nasty things can lurk on floors. Probably the only reason you didn't get sick was because whatever pot you threw the food back into was hot enough to deactivate the germ (if you were lucky). But yuck, you should rethink that practice. No little piece of food is worth saving once it has hit the floor.

    7. Anon 6:45. Even though the heat from cooking would kill any germs, it's still a dirty and disgusting habit. You should stop.

    8. Enough with the "I jumped off a bridge and survived, so it's OK to jump off bridges" kinds of stories. You know you don't want dirt and stuff in your food. If they did that to your food at a restaurant, you'd be up in arms, blasting their review sites.

    9. I dropped my quesadilla on the floor once thanks to a barking dog that made me jump and i sent my food flying like a Mexican style UFO. I didn't want to waste a whole quesadilla so i just scooped it up and put it back on my plate. Tasted great.

    10. @2:45, Yes i am aware of the heat of the pot killing germs, that's why I never worried about it. I grew up poor, lived with a relative for a few years, sometimes had very little variety in the food I ate as a kid. My Grandma grew up during the Depression, and we're a lot alike. We save everything. I just have a hard time wasting anything for any reason. They say a person's personality and character is created by what takes place the first ten years of their life. I can look back on my childhood and then see myself now, and i totally agree with that.

  4. I know lots of people who do that with eggs. Why be nasty with your comment?

  5. I give Zach a break on the eggshells thing. He was just starting his new show and may have overlooked some things being a tad bit nervous. I take my hat off to him for not being afraid to have a cooking show. I like him.

    1. Am I missing something? I thought his family actaully eats the stuff he makes on the show. If they do he'd better stop "missing" things.

  6. Thats pretty gross Zach. Maybe should have stayed in law enforcement.

    1. Real men don't wash their hands frequently while cooking. lol

  7. I watched the first few minutes of Zach and Kelli making chicken salad. I didn't make it very far. But I will say after she cut the chicken she made a point to say I'm going to wash my hands cause you know raw chicken. The camera cut off, and back later in the segment hopefully she did wash her hands.

    1. I'm sure she washed her hands. I think she was tactfully reminding Zach of how important washing your hands after handling various ingredients is. He didn't keep his nads clean in previous shows.

    2. Do you mean hands lol?

  8. Oh yes. Mama bates cooking up a storm.

  9. I love Zach's cooking show and really enjoyed seeing him cook with his Mom. Hopefully he will get more family members and do a small Q&A as they cook. Thanks for sharing.

  10. The recipes are very good, but I wouldn't eat anything Zach cooked after watching him in action. Yikes.

  11. I see that Mama B handled Zah's lack of handwashing with a gentle reminder of how important it is. Good for her.

  12. It's not that hard to cook properly and keep things clean. For some people it's life and death, for instance transplant patients with weakened immune systems. Not something to make fun of. I sure wouldn't go on YouTube wanting people to watch my cooking videos and then take safety shortcuts on camera. That's just wrong.

  13. Y’all know editing is a thing right…

  14. Instead of being a good example for his children by serving his community as a LEO, Zach is trying to make ends meet with this second rate cooking show on social media. I don't consider him a "first class" father by any means.

    1. Totally agree with you 4:37. Something is up, like he or his family couldn't take the stress of being a LEO. But instead of admitting that, he dropped out and now the public is supposed to take video cooking lessons from him to help support him. You don't put aside a good career to do that.

    2. Aside from criminal pursuits, what other jobs do you feel disqualify a father from being a "first class" one?

    3. Anon 10:29. I don't see why you're "shooting the messenger". Anyone who leaves a good paying job with benefits and posts on-line videos to support his family doesn't display much of a work ethic IMO.

    4. Anon 10:29. I'm not in favor of a man quitting his job and loafing around the house like Zach does. His wife had been running her on-line dress shop for years and obviously didn't need his "help" doing so. Now he's doing a cooking show to make some money. He's a poor example of work ethic IMO.

    5. So judgemental! It's so easy to make up stories about people without knowing the whole actual story. Also called gossip.

    6. I don't see it as "judgmental". People are rather put off when they see an able bodied man posting a low-skill cooking show on line to make money to support his family.


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