
Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Zach's New Cooking Show

It's no secret that Zach Bates loves to cook. Over the years, the eldest Bates child has been seen making meals for his family and the entire Bates clan. Now fans can follow along as Zach shares his favorite recipes with the world, as he just kicked off a new venture called Bates Kitchen. His first video, "My Favorite Chicken Alfredo Recipe," is now available on YouTube.


  1. That's nice. I gather they need more income than the dress shop provides.

  2. Chicken Fettuccine Alfred with Penne Noodles?

    1. Why not? Pasta is all pretty much the same, just comes in different shapes and sizes.

    2. Our family likes to have a variety of noodles for our alfredo. I like it with penne noodles the best though.

    3. 3:53PM: It's not with Penne. Zach's recipe uses fettuccini noodles

    4. I made spaghetti for the first time. We didn't have spaghetti noodles, I had to improvise with what we had in the cupboard. Sometimes you have to improvise.

    5. Joy Duggar's famous recipe!

    6. He is eating the fettuccini at the beginning of the video.

    7. LOL some people get it and most don't

  3. He should not dip his finger into raw flour and taste it. Flour should never be eaten raw. There have been Salmonella and E. coli outbreaks from it. He lost me right there.

    1. Why? Its not like you have to taste the flour like he does.

    2. Raw flour can do that? New one on me. Must not be very common. It apparently hasn't ever harmed Zach.

    3. Maybe he’ll read your comment and learn something new. Give the guy another chance:)

    4. @2:38 Yes, it definitely happens. There have been several salmonella outbreaks from Gold Medal flour and E. coli from King Arthur flour, all prompting recalls. Flour bags have warnings on them not to consume it uncooked.

    5. I think people go overboard on worrying about raw, but then again modern farming practices has dropped food quality. Go back to the old ways of raising food and livestock. The nutrition will come back.

    6. There is a warning on bags of flour for this reason. It is not uncommon.

    7. @8:30 You can't go back. There wouldn't be enough food to go around. You have to produce the most at the least cost or you lose the farm. But this means quality control problems have been happening left and right, both on the farm and at the food production companies. Sure there are still some "mom and pop" farms in business, but if all food was produced that way in such limited quantities, you'd never afford it or you'd never get it.

    8. 8:30 Bigger population is one reason big "modern" farming practices began. That and trade/export. And other things. (Look who's contributing their best to population and food demand.) Things weren't so great "back then" either. Remember when it was OK to spray crops with DDT? Remember when there weren't FDA inspectors? Ever read The Jungle?

    9. My remark on going back meant going back to organic non GMO. The days when farmers didn't use chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. You know things the FDA say is okay even today but is bad for you. There's no chemicals on my vegetable and fruit gardens and I use heirloom non GMO seeds. Modern farming rapes the land. We need better practices that don't harm us or the environment. Run off from a nearby farm field is filling in our wetland! We battle every year to keep the pond open for the local wildlife.

  4. I enjoyed the video! Looking forward to more.

  5. How does he have time for a cooking show? I thought he was busy running the dress shop and being a first class father.

    1. But you can't work and still be a first class father! Or some such "rule."

    2. It’s not a far leap from selling dresses to wearing the apron in the kitchen.

    3. 8:41 What a silly thing to say! My husband works full time and we have kids and yet he still MAKES TIME to sometimes cook big dinners, plan day trips for the family, do repair projects around the house etc.etc. Moms and Dads do more then two things, we do it all.

    4. Was wondering the same thing.Why he quit a good job being a Sheriff is beyond me and now this! What's next dress maker!

    5. 8"07 Go way back and listen to his own words about this he's now eating those words along with alfredo

    6. @1:24 Law enforcement is a very dangerous occupation. I guess I can't blame Zach for getting out of it, considering he has a large family. If he can earn some extra $$$ with a YouTube cooking show side-hustle, that's not a bad thing. Men do cook you know, and some even sew!

    7. Not the person in Law Enforcement with a big family still doing it. Women do it every day. Just such a drastic change.

    8. I don't blame Zach for leaving law enforcement. It's a different world out there, and there's very little respect for police officers these days. And everybody has a gun. Too dangerous

  6. I love chicken Alfredo but oh my hips don't. I will have to make this sometime and make it an occasional meal with some bread.😊

  7. Neddy Constant
    Congrats to him.
    1:17AM Thurs 4/4/24

  8. Hi Zach it's great to see you. You did a great job. The more you do the podcast the more comfortable you get. Maybe sometimes we can see the kids.

    1. He did really well and I think being in front of the camera from the family's previous show helped.

  9. Can't wait to try this. Watching the video in the morning before breakfast made me hungry!🙂

  10. I'd take cooking advice from a Bates about as much as I'd take family planning advice. Sorry, but they are not experts.

    1. I'm sure he's a good cook, but I don't think I want any more cooking lessons from him.

    2. Very well put ., and agree with you on both.

  11. I miss the show. They are a great Christian family

  12. I loved seeing Zach again. Good luck on future videos.


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