
Monday, May 20, 2024

Baby BOY Bates

Lawson and Tiffany Bates are having a boy! The pair just announced the gender of their child, due early this summer. In true Bates fashion, they threw a party for the clan. This will be the 30th Bates grandchild but only the fourth boy with the last name Bates. You can watch the reveal in Lawson and Tiffany's latest YouTube video.


  1. That's lovely. I wonder if Tori has had her baby.

  2. I’m glad they are getting some boys to help balance out the grandkids genders. I hope Tori had a boy and that Esther is having a boy too

  3. REALLY puzzled why Bobby & Tori haven’t announced the gender and name of their fifth child as it must be several months old by now!!

    1. Actually I think it's due this month. But yes I keep wondering why they haven't announced anything. I'm getting worried. I hope she and baby are okay. Prayers!!

    2. Maybe they choose nit to SHARE and want a quiet and peaceful life. Not everybody feels the need to be the center of attention.

    3. They announced the pregnancy. Why not the birth? They let their kids and themselves feature on their siblings YouTube channels. They've given no indication of being totally private.

  4. Did Tori have her baby yet?

    1. She is pregnant at the gender reveal

  5. I wonder why they took so long to post the video of their gender reveal?

    1. They said they were behind on videos and wanted to play catch up in order…so the reveal just came because that is where they are in their chronological catch up videos. If you think about it, it is not strange for the youtube videos to lag a bit…it was the same with the Bringing Up Bates show.

    2. It probably took Tiffany a while to get okay with having a boy. You can tell she was pretty upset about it.

  6. Oh good! I think Lawson really wanted a boy.

    1. Totally agree! I got the impression he thinks have a boy makes him more of a man!!!

  7. Congratulations to them! Loved the gender reveal video!

  8. That's incredible that this will be only the fourth grandbaby boy named Bates, out of 30 grandchildren!

    1. What did you expect? Zach is the only Bates male that has been married for more than a couple of years.

    2. The genders are pretty evenly divided with the married Bates men. There are five girls and when this baby is born there will be four boys. The gender of Nathan's expected baby is unkown at this time. Things are not at all as out of kilter as you sem to think.

    3. Anonymous 2:28pm ; Umm in total Kelly Jo & Gil have 32 GRANDKIDS and Out of those there is 12 Boys/Confirmed Boys... So I would say that's pretty off kiltered and the original poster was saying Grand boys with the Last Name Bates ( which is low)

    4. Be patient. When the Bates men have been married a few more years, the number of grandchildren with the last name "Bates" will catch up.

  9. Congrats to them.

  10. Really wondering what these families would do if medically, one of their children turns out to have a genetic anomaly that makes gender ambiguous. I wonder how they would accept that, seeing as how they believe their God only made 2 genders, when we know that medical things do happen otherwise. What would their rationale be in that case, and would it shake their entire paradigm?

    1. Well they certainly ignore the genetic issue that the Bates women have (clotting) that affects their pregnancies and will probably be passed on to their duaghters. They just have numerous children anyway.

    2. Even if you can’t tell gender by appearance, your DNA will tell you.

    3. @11:18 The DNA test would be what confirms that the chromosomes are unique. If you're implying that the DNA test would only have 1 of 2 outcomes, that's not the case. There could be more than 30 results on that test. Our chromosomes are capable of many combinations. It's a real and natural biological event in our amazingly proficient bodies.

    4. 11:18, all that would tell you is how many X's and Y's you have, and there are dozens of combos of those possible. Would the Bates family refuse to believe that?

    5. Women have only x chromosomes. Men have both x and y. That's how a test determines one or the other of two genders.

  11. Does it really matter what gender the baby is as long as he or she is healthy


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