
Monday, June 3, 2024

Another Bates Boy

'Tis the season for baby boys! The Bates family is in the midst of a big streak of grandsons. Ryker Bates kicked it off last September, followed by William Paine in October and Miles Balka in February. Weston Smith arrived just a few days ago. In early summer, Lawson and Tiffany Bates are expecting a son, and Katie and Travis Clark are due with a boy this fall. Nathan and Esther Bates are also looking forward to welcoming their second child this fall, and they just announced the gender. It's a boy! Can you believe it? 

This will make 32 grandchildren for Gil and Kelly Bates. Head over to our Birthdays page to total up now many boys and girls they have, and then come back to the comments section to report back.


  1. Wow. That's quite a streak. Is anyone else pregnant?

  2. That will make 18 girls and 14 boys!!! Getting a lot more even!! 😁

  3. I miss the program with all the things going on bless you all keep safe

  4. It's almost like it's a game. Boys, girls, baby #4, baby #8. .. .the babies don't seem like they're viewed as real people.

    1. Oh they are so viewed as real people. The Bates are pro life. Their children are human from conception. They view them as precious souls to be cared for and loved by them and God! As far as numbers, hello, there is a line up. Babies come in an order: 1 2 3 etc.

    2. I agree. It's sort of like the one with the most kids "wins".

    3. If you watch any of the YouTube or Instagram posts, you will see that they very much treat each child in a lovely way.

    4. It's like they're just a number!

    5. 4:24 And we all know that everything on YouTube or Instagram is 100% realistic. I'm not claiming they don't treat their kids well, but what you see on social media should be taken with a grain of salt. I would argue that exploiting your kids on a YouTube channel is not such a wonderful thing.

  5. I wish they were back on TV.

  6. Go the person that says the babies don't look like they are being treated like real people. I would gibe anything to have in-laws like them as they take more time to celebrate each & everyone in that huge family, including babies, than any other big or small family I have ever seen. They love with every chance they get and make happen.

  7. I miss your program so much!!

    1. Me too. So many life lessons for the viewers to learn from. Positivity is sorely lacking in our nation right now 😢

  8. That’s awesome! Can’t wait to hear what Tiffany and Lawson will name their son. Walker Connor would be cool!

  9. That is so awesome! The Bates are getting even with boys now in the family and this will make the 5th boy to have the Bates last name now (as Zach has 2 boy's,Trace 1 boy and Lawson soon 1 boy). The only couples who have not recently announced a pregnancy are Jackson and Emerson (to my surprise as they have been married for almost 1 year this Fall), Carlin and Evan (who have hinted they want to try for another baby now that Carlin has been seizure free for over a year) and Michaela and Brandon (who really deserve another miracle pregnancy or at least try to adopt a child after almost 10 years of infertility and a devastating miscarriage 3 years ago).

    1. Nobody “deserves” a pregnancy. And, adoption isn’t some second hand consolation prize.

    2. @9:49 At LEAST try to adopt? I'm sure you didn't mean it this way, but it sounds like adoption is the least desirable outcome. If a couple feels this way about it, they should not be adopting. Adopted children deserve better than that.

    3. For Jackson and Emerson, they've only been married 8 months. On average it takes 6 mths to a year for most couples to get pregnant and that's if they are trying. I hope they get pregnant soon though. They are such a sweet couple.

    4. Why rush into having babies? Work travel wait sometime it's not A RACE! Can they afford children own a home etc?

    5. I believe ALL miscarriages are “devastating “ and adoption is not a consolation option. Plenty of people have difficulty conceiving and/or carrying a baby to full term; not just the Keilens. I feel for them, being part of a family that seems to have a pregnant member all the time has to be so hard!

    6. I'm sure life in the Bates family is very difficult for Michael and Brandon as such a premium is placed on having babies. However, that doesn't mean they "deserve" to have a baby as some sort of reward for maintaining good relations with the other family members.

    7. Adoption can also be a difficult process with discouragement and delays along the way.

    8. Getting pregnant can also be a difficult process with discouragement and delays along the way.

    9. Obviously, 12:14

  10. I think it’s fun that there are so many little boys in a row! And that the boy/girl ratio is evening out.

  11. Oh Boy.....The Boys are catching up. Congratulations to all the families with Baby Boys

  12. After all those complaints from Zach about working long hours and being away from home too much when he was a LEO, he's now a real estate agent? I hate to break it to him, but if he's going to make a living at that job, he's going to have to work long hours and be away from home a LOT.

  13. Gonna be a war… that is what they say happens with many boys born in a row.


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