Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Harvey Gray Clark

Katie and Travis Clark's second child is due to arrive this fall, and the elated parents just announced their son's name on YouTube: Harvey Gray Clark. If you think you have heard the name Gray before, you are correct. Kolter Gray Smith, who was born in 2020, is the second of Tori and Bobby Smith's five children.


  1. Seems kind of hard to say the first and last name together. Not loving the name but it’s their kid. Hope they rethink it.

  2. I adore watching their YouTube videos with the adorable Hailey! She is precious. But, I have to say, I agree with so many others when I say the name Harvey is awful! Beautiful names that compliment Hailey and they choose a corny, sounds like a 86 year old, name. Not appealing at all!

    1. Ahem an 86 year old guy with the name Harvey would have been a newborn you know. I think it compliments Hailey's name well. Hailey and Harvey. They sound like twins! I really like the name actually. The rest of you must be hung up on modern so-called "trendy" names. Harvey Gray Clark has a nice ring to it. Its not depressing at all. How weird for the commenters to say so. A child isn't going to suffer "going through life" with such a name. Gimme a break. Now if they had named the baby Angus then I'd get it. That's an awful name and no wonder Macgyver always went by his last name. Hahaha. Great name Katie and Travis! Its a classic!

    2. You're right...however I love the name Angus!!!

    3. My first thought when seeing the names was Harvey Weinstein (sp) and that's not good. The middle name is great, but Harvey, not at all. I apologize for saying this. Maybe have a few alternatives and wait until he's born and you spend time with him before deciding which name fits him best. Please always think of your child and how their name may affect them in the future, especially using some of the "trendy" names these days. Many parents don't look at the big picture when choosing a name. Sadly, kids get made fun of and bullied over their name. No matter what. The most important things are a healthy and happy baby and mom!

  3. Harvey? Not a name I'd choose but it's their baby after all.

  4. I wish Travis and Katie well with this baby but the names they chose sound quite depressing to me. Just no "punch" to them at all. Please rethink and come up with something better for this child to go through life with.

  5. I don’t understand why some couples announce the name of the baby before it’s even born. Like don’t you want to see the baby first before naming it?

    1. Not necessarily. Some of us decide on a name early on in the pregnancy and seeing the baby doesn’t affect the name one bit! That’s what I’ve done for both of mine and it’s worked out so well for us! ❤️

    2. I had my daughter's name picked out - Stacey Lauren - but when I saw her I said oh she's a Jessica! When I told her that as she got older she said she was glad I changed it!

  6. The first thing I thought of when I heard the name was Steve Harvey.

    1. I thought of Harvey the Six Foot Rabbit movie.

    2. Harvey is the name of the main character boy in Captain Courageous: Harvey Cheney and his dad's name is the same. Harvey is a perfectly good name. Nothing wrong or un-newborn about it. Wow people are so strange. Is it just because it's not "trendy"? I think personal taste trumps trendy.

    3. It's actually very trendy. Hits both the old person name trend, and the last name as a first name trend.

  7. Harvey??? To each their own.

  8. They can choose whatever name they want. You may not agree with it and you don't have too, but after all it is their choice. Just please leave them alone.

    1. Um they announced to the public their babies name.

    2. They don't want to be left alone. That's the last thing they want. They have a youtube channel where they announce these things. Do you think they want 0 views?

  9. I agree with everyone else here... Harvey is an "old man" name. Surely you can think of something better. The poor kid will be teased mercilessly...

    1. Where? He's not going to be going to school with other kids. He will either go to the Clark family school or be "homeschooled."

    2. Old Men were once young men were once boys were once babies. Names are not age appropriate. A name is a name. Perhaps you meant "old fashioned". So what? "Old" trends sometimes can be resurrected. Harvey is a fine name.

  10. I agree with everyone else here... "Harvey" is not what I'd call appropriate for a newborn...

    1. Okay so they can change the name to Harvey once he's older? What's this "appropriate for a newborn" nonsense? You don't pick a so called cutesie "baby" name and then go to a more "adult" name once the kid grows. Weird weird thing to say.

  11. Why so much hate on the baby’s name?? I think Harvey is a cute name😭

  12. I think your name choices are for you to decide for yourselves,like all families do. I personally think it's a great name but I wouldn't say anything if I didn't like it because I was raised with manners.

    1. This is a blog where you are encouraged to reply and give your opinion, not a formal dinner party with Travis and Katie. We don’t need to bow down and agree with everything they do. Perhaps some people are concerned about the baby going through life with this name and don’t want him to get teased and are trying to help by suggesting they change it.

    2. They asked for opinions.

  13. I agree that the first and last name are kind of hard to say together.

  14. I agree it’s not easy to say the first and last name together. Hope they go back to the drawing board for the child’s sake

  15. What is the meaning or family legend of the name Harvey. Is he named after someone?

  16. Maybe Harvey is a family name. Is there something significant about Gray? 2 sisters have used the name. Is this a family name?

  17. Everyone saying Harvey is an old man's name, and should have gone with something to fit a baby. Remember they are a baby for a short amount of time. They will grow up.

  18. With Travis being such a talented singer, I think there is a possibility one of their children could also be musically talented. If their son ends up becoming famous, the stage name, "Harvey Clark" just sounds so bland.

    1. Ann Wilson is the voice of Heart, Robert Plant was lead singer of Led Zepplin, Steve Perry for Journey, and Bob Dylan for, well, Bob Dylan. Ann, Robert, Steve, and Bob..they all did pretty well considering their “bland” names I guess.

    2. A lot of performers change their name. For instance, Doris Day was born Doris Kappelhoff and Freddie Mercury was born Farrokh Bulsara.

    3. Katie's grandma said she was reminded of the invisible rabbit in the Jimmy Stewart movie, "Harvey". I was, too.

  19. There is nothing wrong with the name Harvey Clark. It’s not difficult to say as some on here have stated. While there are other “H” names I prefer ( Harrison, Hayes, Hudson, Holden..) people will have a negative opinion on those too. They have chosen Harvey, and he will be a beautiful boy who fits the name perfectly.

    1. I don’t think people would be negative about the other H names as you have suggested. They are much better. Harvey would not be a easy name to go through life with, despite people trying to put a positive spin on it

    2. For what it's worth, I absolutely love the name Hudson! I actually plan on using it someday if I have a baby boy. Not saying that Katie and Travis should use it if they have their heart set on Harvey, just that there's nothing wrong with the name :)

  20. Henry is little nicer than Harvey.

  21. They said on their YouTube that Harvey went well with Hailey...I don't think that should be the reason parents choose a name for a new baby..."it goes well with the older sibling's name"...how immature of them in my opinion. I hope they come up with something better for this child..

    1. Kinda like having to name all your children with the same first letter. Or one letter for boys and one for girls. Kitschy. Like each kid is just another piece of the game.

    2. Do either of you have kids? You will be saying, typing, and writing their names a lot over the years - why not make them euphonious?

    3. Having kids is not a name game.

    4. Of course it's not a "game." But it's still something you have to carefully consider. And everyone has the right to make their own decisions.

  22. When I hear the name Harvey I think of Weinstein.

    1. Same. Not exactly positive connotations associated with this name.

    2. I’m sure they have no idea who Harvey Weinstein is !

  23. I thought of Harvey Weinstein also! That image stuck in my mind!! Time yet to change yourmond on the name😀

    1. My son and daughter in law were going to name their baby Harvey until Harvey Weinstein. Thankfully they didn’t. It’s an old name and not as nice as other “old” names they could have chose.

  24. I think the name Harvey is absolutely adorable. I would name my child Harvey. I know someone named Harvey and he is so cute. Best name everrrrr !!

    1. No one else seems to agree with you. Harvey is not a popular name

    2. That makes it a even better name...you don't have to give your kid a popular name

    3. A name doesn’t have to be popular, but Harvey would be a difficult name to go through life with

    4. Harvey matches better with Hilda than Hailey. Just saying

  25. I agree! Harvey Weinstein is all Harvey reminds me of too.Yuck

  26. He's not going to like his name as he grows up.

    1. You got a crystal ball? That's assuming a whole lot. There's nothing about the name for him not to like. Good grief. Harvey is a perfectly sensible name.

  27. I doubt they even know who Harvey Weinstein never mind what he did!

  28. Travis & Katie I love your name choice! I know several children who have the name Harvey and it suits the child perfectly.


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