Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Photo Shoot with Baby Weston

We don't hear from Tori and Bobby Smith very often. They are busy living life with five children. Their youngest, Weston Slade Smith, arrived on May 29th, and Bates family photographer Lydia Bates took his newborn pictures. She and Trace recorded the session on video and uploaded the footage to their YouTube account so fans can see how much the Smith children have grown.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful family! They all look so happy and healthy. But please Tori, use his first name. It drives me nuts when people use the middle name. if that's what you wanted to call him, you should've named his Slade Weston. I don't get why you Bates like to do the middle name thing. My cousin tried that with her son and her whole family (parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandpa, cousins and all) refused to cooperate. So her son is called by his first name. She threw in the towel. :) I hope Lydia gets pregnant soon. Praying for her!


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