Friday, July 26, 2024

William Daniel Bates

Expectant parents Lawson and Tiffany Bates just announced their son's name on YouTube: William Daniel Bates. This little guy will be the fourth generation to bear the name William. Both Lawson's dad and grandfather are William Gilvin Bates, and Lawson is William Lawson Bates. Erin and Chad Paine recently gave their sixth child the name William Gage Paine. And for their son's middle name, Lawson and Tiffany chose Daniel, which is Tiffany's father's name.



  1. Is this the first name overlap for the bates and duggar grand babies?

    1. Yes first overlap for First Name in Bates family and Duggar family has middle name over laps also both Evangeline Vuolo & Evelyn Forsyth is nicknamed Evie

  2. That's nice. They said the baby was coming "any day now" last week. I wonder when these drama queens will announce the birth.

    1. Ha! Ha! They are the most hyper people I've ever seen!

    2. Drama queen my eye. Once a woman enters her due date MONTH, she can go any day. Its hard to tell with first babies because the precedent has yet to be set. After a few births a woman can say she usually goes early, late or right on time. Seriously when she said she was starting to dilate, she officially could say, "Any day now." The onset of labor is different for every woman and some experience "false" labors. Saying "any day now" for a week is normal.

    3. Agreed. This has felt like the longest pregnancy ever!

    4. @9:05 The "drama" is for YouTube click bait and viewers.

  3. Happy Birthday Lawson!

  4. Not surprised it's William. That was my guess. I'll bet they call him Billy. They both like Billy Graham so much. That way there won't be any confusion when William Paine is over. Good solid traditional name. I like it.

    1. They will probably do like they do with GPa Bates, Law & Nate... call Baby William by his middle name Daniel

    2. They'd better NOT! Seriously I hate that. Billy, Bill, Willy, Will! Anything but his middle name. I just don't get the middle name thing.

  5. the Duggars dont have a William. The bates will have 2 grandchildren named William one bates and on paine.

  6. Another prequel? Most people can just announce the birth of their baby without this action.

    1. Most people who wait this long to announce a name do it when the baby's born. It seems a little bit odd to do it right before the birth. I know, their choice.

  7. Why couldn’t Erin choose a different name considering William is actually Lawton’s first name? In my opinion, she was selfish!

    1. Her grandfather is William.

    2. How is she selfish?! Seriously. Siblings can pick same names for their kids. Happened in my family. My cousin and I have the same name.

    3. I agree. Lawson is William III, and mentioned a long time ago he wanted to name his first son William. Considering the Paines did Charles IV, they know how big of a deal that is. My issue is people telling Lawson he should think of a nickname since Erin already has a William.

  8. Turns out that the baby was already born when they posted this. So strange. Then they tried to pretend he was born on July 30 instead of July 19.

    1. Pretend nothing. They announced the birth date in the video for crying out loud. Production time folks. Contrary to popular belief, they do have a life beyond their YouTube channel. They get to posting when they get the time. They post their vids in chronological order so their vids may be a bit behind the times not unlike their TV episodes with UP TV.


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