Sunday, August 18, 2024

Keilens' 2nd Q&A

Michaela and Brandon Keilen are such kind-hearted people, each with a warm, infectious smile. You'll enjoy sitting down to watch their newest question and answer video, as they discuss their relationship with God, whether they have ever questioned the faith they were raised in, an update on their infertility journey, and other topics. 

Video: Michaela and Brandon Keilen--Question & Answer #2


  1. I hope she gets pregnant again, but if she doesn’t and is unable to, then I hope they adopt newborn babies. They are destined to be parents.

    1. There are far more older children in need of parents and permanent homes.

    2. I hope they do not adopt. If they had wanted a child through adoption they would have done so by now. They are speaking “Christanese” of “waiting on the Lord”. They are waiting for a biological child, not an adopted child.
      From an adoptive Mom…

    3. 6:04. Thank you for speaking this truth. My daughter (adopted) literally said to me “couples like this will never accept an adopted child as their own…they aren’t like you and Dad”. Aside from wiping a few tears away I knew exactly what she was saying.

    4. Have you adopted any of those older children, Anon 3:05?

      From a mom who did adopt an older child, but who believes that we shouldn't tell others how to build their family

    5. Anon 6:04. Adoption is not only for those who come to it right away. Brandon and Michaela are allowed to come to adoption in. their own time (if they do). That does not determine their worthiness to adopt.

    6. Well stated @6:04. I’m so tired of the “I hope they get pregnant but if not they can adopt”. Adopted children are not second string bench warmers just waiting to make the cut to get into a family.

    7. If a biological child is the desire of their heart and if they haven't been led by God to pursue adoption, there's nothing wrong with that. Not everyone is meant to do things the way others would or have.

    8. 7:25. It’s not about Micheala and Brandon being worthy of adopting a child. It’s about a child being worthy of having parents who will fully embrace them as their own regardless of DNA.

    9. Anon 5:29. ALL children are worthy of a loving home. OTOH, some couples are worthy of adopting a child and some are not.

    10. 10:55..well said. Being a mother of one biological child and one adoptive child..if people have to convince themselves to adopt, they probably aren’t meant to adopt. God can change people’s hearts, if adoption is meant for them God will path the way…and soften their hearts. I know some people who have been so convinced that adoption was meant for them they adopted before having their biological children.

  2. I think they're a nice couple but it's a pity they are selling their privacy to make a living.

  3. There are very few newborn babies available for adoption. I know several families who adopted newborns but those were Private adoptions, using surrogates, lawyers, and various organizations.

    1. There is no shortage of newborn babies needing adoption. . There is however a long list of people waiting to adopt a white newborn baby.

  4. As they say it's in Gods hands what happens

  5. Thought this couple always says It's up to God if she gets pregnant. . Children are a gift from God . Confused

    1. The Bible does teach that the womb is in God's hands. He opens and shuts it. The Bible also teaches that chance happens to every man and that we live in a fallen world where sin, death and illness has entered in. Where God's sovereignty comes in is when He chooses to intervene in such a situation as Michaela's. Why He allows or doesn't allow things is mostly unknown to His followers, but He is trusted by them to know what is best for them. I am a Christian and I don't understand why He hasn't allowed things to happen in my life, but I'm sure there's a reason. I just have to trust and be content. It's not easy but that's why we rely on Jesus for strength not ourselves.

  6. I love listening to them talk about their lives. Such a sweet couple. 😊

    1. Agreed!! They are very sweet!! Praying for them all the best!!!

  7. I think they're the victim of IBLP culture where everyone is expected to have numerous children. I was unable to have children. Although it was disappointing, once I accepted that I have gone on to have a happy life without them. Hoping they will learn to let this go and move on.

    1. I think they lead a happy life and are going on despite not being gifted children yet. Other people seem more bothered by their circumstances than they are. Perhaps outsiders need to stop asking, bringing up the subject and just let them carry on.

    2. Anon 11:56. They are under no obligation to discuss their fertility issues in the videos they post (they do control the content). IMO if they were not bothered by it, they wouldn't continue to talk about it.

  8. When is this couple going to accept that life isn't fair and that we don't always get what we want? It's way past time to stop chasing the fertility rainbow.

    1. I have a coworker who was infertile for 10 years before she had a surprise pregnancy. "Chasing the fertility rainbow" is just ignorant to say.

  9. Does anyone know about Brandon’s mom? Is she well? Her eyes look kind of off and does she wear a wig?

  10. If I was young and able I know of two couples I would have baby for and one is micheala an Brandon they are good people an deserve to have children to bad I'm 64 years old and I wouldn't charge them a dime

    1. Nice thought, but if Michaela and Brandon wanted a surrogate they could choose from a large number of siblings whom could provide that gift. I really doubt that would be allowed within their theology

    2. I hope that never happens. Any child they would have via a surrogate or by adoption would ben considered second rate. They seem to be trying to gain favor with God in order to have a biological child.

    3. Well it’s nice to know you wouldn’t charge a dime!

    4. That just isn't right. Makes me feel like there prejudice. Not very kind. If they feel that way

  11. I love to watch these two!


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