
Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Paines are Moving

It’s hard to believe that Erin and Chad Paine have lived in Florida for almost two years. They say they miss Tennessee but that they have fallen in love with the Sunshine State. In their most recent YouTube video, the parents of six share that they will be moving in the next few months. They are unable to renew the lease on their rental home, so they are praying for God to show them the next step, whether it be in Florida, Tennessee, or somewhere else. 


  1. MOVING! After all the work they did transforming the house for their family!! Hope home owners are not taking advantage of their hard work for their own profit!! I pray they find the perfect new location for their growing family!

    1. It was a rental. I’m sure the owners had to approve all the changes. If Chad and Erin did all that without permission that would be extremely disrespectful.

  2. Praying for God to show them the next step? Why don't they sit down like adults and make a decision themselves, based on what they can afford and where they can find work? An answer is not going to miraculously appear on your doorstep postmarked Heaven. You gotta do the work yourself.

    1. Exactly. The cost of living in Florida is very high. They should consider that and make plans according to what they can afford rather than being "led by God".

    2. Agree. They are a wealthy couple with six children. Pick a location. Buy a house. Settle down.

    3. I wholeheartedly concur!!!

    4. Very unnecessary, nasty comment.

    5. No, no, God does give direction when you ask Him. In the Bible it says to not lean on your own understanding, acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will direct your paths. It doesn't mean you don't do any work.

    6. be nice god will lead them where he wants them to be

    7. They are praying for God's will to be done. They are doing exactly as the Bible instructs to do - to have faith and to lean on Him. They are not praying they can just sit back and be lazy and assuming "an answer is... going to miraculously appear on your doorstep postmarked Heaven," and in no way is the original post implying that they are.

      "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" - Jeremiah 29:11

      Prays to you, Chad, Erin and your entire family. The Lord's will will be done and His plans are always greater than our own.

    8. Why don't they take responsibility and show themselves the next step? They got themselves into this situation. They need to get themselves out.

    9. It's self-discovery and self-deciding. It's our own "leading." It's what we want vs. what we think we're capable of doing. If we're not making the right decisions, we need to examine that. If things aren't turning out well, maybe we're not working hard enough.

    10. 9:39, "show yourself the next step?" They are Christians, who believe and follow God's Word, including the part that says to commit your ways to the Lord and HE will direct your steps. God knows way better than we do, because He can see the future. We're not God.

    11. Didn’t they pray about the move to Florida. Saying their church family there (?) was the reason for the move. Not only did they uproot their family; but all the animals had to be moved. It had to be a complicated move and now they’re doing it again (of course keeping the location a secret-I’m thinking back to TN or the grandparents beach house in SC.

    12. I don't see why it's difficult to understand that circumstances change and that what is the right place for us in one stage of life may not be the right place at another time.

  3. If I was a betting person I would put money on them “being led” back to Tennesse.

  4. These are wealthy people. Why would they not buy land and build their own home?

    1. I don't think they're all that "wealthy". If they were, they would have bought a house in Florida instead of renting.

    2. They aren't wealthy.Chad does odd jobs in construction and has no employees.

  5. Let me guess. Hmm…they were “called” back to Tennesse to be near family.

    1. More like they "want" to go back to Tennessee to be near family. It's so easy to mistake your wants for what you think God is telling you to do. For instance, today God is "telling me" to win the lottery.

    2. Why wouldn't they? That would be wonderful if they are able to be near more family again.

    3. Yes @11:23. I was being facetious.

  6. Moving is such a hassle, especially with such a large family. I hope they find a place they like soon.

    1. Exactly! How many times are they going to move their businesses with another move? They have six children, why haven’t they purchased a home is mind blowing at this time!!!

    2. To 7:21 PM: ...because they have six children. Affording a home in this economy isn't all that easy and who knows, maybe their landlord wants family or friends to move into the house, want to live in it themselves, or want to sell it upright and Chad and Erin can't or don't want to buy that particular house. Things happen, but we can rest assured in life that things happen for the better knowing the Lord is in charge if we allow Him to be like we are supposed to do.

    3. Of course the landlord would sell the house "upright." If it had toppled over, it would be unsaleable.

    4. @ 5:52 PM: That is one definition of the term "upright," yes. However it was probably being used in the prior comment with the definition of "not beating around the bush; straight-forward; honest" which are some of the other definitions for the term.

    5. 4:47. You mean "outright" not "upright." Selling something outright means a simple, straightforward sale. "Upright" does not make sense in this context, and would not be used to describe a home sale.

    6. I'm the original one that posted with the word "upright." It's amazing at how typos happen and amazing how people react to them.

    7. And amazing people don't correct them, and need to be corrected!

    8. @ 2:00PM: I wasn't bashing you for correcting my typo. I would've corrected it myself had I caught it to begin with, but I simply didn't see it at the time of posting it, and I can't edit after it's published. Not seeing the typo might've been the result of me being extremely sick at the time I posted as well, so I wasn't fully alert, or it could've been the result that I am human and make mistakes. Even the best publications have different levels of editors for their writers. (I have been a professional journalist for over 20 years.) I appreciate you correcting me and pray you have a great day. Thank you for taking the time out for caring enough to correct others' mistakes. I am still on the health mend, but I will try to make certain all of my posts are edited completely before publishing them on here from now on. I will also keep an eye out for others' typos and poor sentence structures and try to take time out of my day to help them out as well. Thank you for being such an inspiration and have a blessed day!

  7. The next steps might involve purchasing a home and property.

    1. I don't think they can afford to buy property in Florida. Chad doesn't seem to have a regular job so they seem to be rather short of money.

  8. They seem like they are struggling financially. Maybe Chad should seek a salaried job? I can't imagine moving every two years with all those kids and animals.

    1. They took a vacation to Destin. I’m not jealous. I’ve been to Destin, The Emerald Coast. It’s beautiful, but very expensive. They have finances for many animals and children and renovations. They’re fine financially.

    2. Spending a lot of money does not mean you are fine financially. It just means you have spent a lot of money. I worry about them--they had all of Erin's medical bills, too.

    3. I think it was Torie’s place in Destin so they didn’t have to pay for it. They probably got a rental discount with the renovations. I think they are struggling financially with all the intermittent jobs

  9. Why put so much work into a rental unless you have an option to buy it? Maybe the family in TN can help find a house for them to buy. The markets in TN & FL are both going way up.

  10. I watched the video by Chad and Erin. I’m going to say ( which I’m sure I will tarred feathered for) that it felt like there were undercurrents of manipulations. Erin sitting piously next to Chad stroking his arm. Chad giving the impression the mean-old owners won’t renew the lease after all this work we’ve done..of course we have zero back story of any prearranged agreements. It would be highly unlikely they did all that work without the owners approval or without pay. If they did, well, live and learn. Something just didn’t set right with me, but maybe I’m just a bit jaded.

    1. Actually, I tend to agree with your assessment. They wouldn't have done so much work on a rental house without some sort of compensation (rent reduction or something of that nature). We'll never know what was going on behind the scenes as they like to present themselves in a certain way and gain sympathy from fans.

  11. I would by land and put a double wide mobile home on it. I don't understand why they won't buy a house carlin and tori are both homeowners

  12. Had the rental agreement been renewed they may not have decided to move again. They really don't have much of a choice now do they. Should they decide to move back home I can completely understand that too. Some people like to live closer to family than others might. Not sure why this bothers other people. It's not like they're asking you to help with the moving. Geesh. I know they will be led to the best place for their family and I wish them all the best in their journey.

    1. This is the best comment of the entire feed! I wholeheartedly agree!

    2. I know I enjoy Katie & Travis SO much more now they have moved closer to her family. People seem to forget we watch them for the core family. Tho I do like Lawsons in- laws, they are kind and not all about themselves.

  13. I thought God had shown them the way to Florida and their present home.

    1. He did. And life happens in chapters. It is great we'll be able to experience some of the new chapter with them and see where God leads them next!

    2. Yes, but now God wants them to do something else. Not sure what though.

  14. I owned rental property. I can’t imagine Chad and Erin would have done all that work without authorization from the owners.That would not have been wise. I also can’t imagine Chad and Erin didn’t have some kind of financial reimbursement or rental negotiations for all the upgrades. It’s a puzzlement as to why Chad and Erin don’t purchase their own property ( they clearly have the financial means) and settle the children in a stable homestead.

    1. I'm sure Erin and Chad had some sort of compensation or rent reduction for the upgrades. However, since the show dried up, I don't know that they now have the means to purchase property in Florida.

  15. Their post leaves me with the impression that they believe that they have not been treated properly by the property owner. It's unclear what the issues involved are, so it's probably best they move elsewhere.

  16. I wonder if Chad and Erin knew the house would only be available for two years? Or is this a complete surprise that the option to rent is ending? Horrible landlord to displace a family of eight people! After all the value Chad has added to that home with all the painting, repairing, cleaning up, decorating, planting flowers outside and making it just beautiful. I hope they can purchase a home now, and relax knowing they can't be forced to move.

    1. Do you know the landlord @8:59? Can you perhaps think of any reason someone might want and/or need their home back? Could the “horrible” landlord have fallen on a hardship with this current economy? Could this “horrible” landlord have an illness in the family and they might need their home back? Could Chad and Erin have taken advantage of the “horrible” landlord and overstepped boundaries?

    2. Well their video sure hit the targeted emotional backlash toward the landlords they were going for with you!

    3. I wouldn't bash the landlord without having some other specific information. Maybe they weren't the best tenants, maybe they didn't pay rent on time, maybe they destroyed the property. We really can't give accurate comments without knowing a lot of other facts. Assuming the landlord is at fault in this situation is wrong and judgmental.

    4. Or maybe the landlord is selling the property and it doesn't matter who was living in it!

  17. Chad said the option to renew the lease wasn't available, so it sounds like they are getting kicked out.

    1. They are rather presenting themselves as being treated poorly. However, we don't know what actually transpired. It does seem unlikely that anyone would put so much work into a house if they didn't intend to stay there long term.

  18. For everyone judging them for not buying a house --- this isn't a priority or desire for everyone. Not every person needs to own their own house. I am a mother, a wife, a business owner, and have absolutely no shred of desire to buy a house. None. Maybe that will change down the lines, but it's very possible they don't want to own a house and there is nothing at all wrong with that.

    1. Do you have multiple animals to house also?

    2. I don't know that anyone is judging them for not buying a house, but renting can be rather unstable as they have learned. I think buying a house would be a better option for thembecause of their large and ever expanding family. Landlords often place limits on how many people can live in their rentals.

  19. They come across as being somewhat surprised and unhappy about not being able to renew the lease on the house. From the perspective of a landlord, my opinion is that the owner may have felt there were too many people living in the house and that since they keep having more children, it was not a good idea to renew their lease. Just a thought.

  20. It is hard to watch this lovely family descend into poverty. I wish Chad would accept a full-time, salaried job with a construction company. Then they'd have a regular income and benefits, and could save for retirement.

    1. Descend into poverty? You have a very skewed idea of what poverty is. They are all well fed, well clothed, beds to sleep in under a roofed domain, have the freedom to educate their children the way they see fit, have an abundance of family who I’m sure will help with needs. They’ve travelled to Destin and just posted a video traveling to Oklahoma. I don’t see poverty….

    2. Oh my goodness! Now they’re descending into poverty? I guess “poverty Americana” which still includes finances for nail polish, hair color, and make-up.

    3. A lot of young people these days have no idea about what it takes to save for retirement. They want nice houses, nice cars, nice clothes, big vacations, all worthy of Instagram posts. Retirement is soooo far away! Well guess what. You blink and it's here. Then nobody cares if your Social Security won't buy your groceries or if you have high medical bills. Do I sound mad that it's expensive to be old in America? Quite the opposite! Nobody ever promised us anything different! So like the ant, I saved when I was supposed to (your 20's, 30's, and 40's so there's room for growth) and now I'm living comfortably with enough to see me through, while my grasshopper friends are having trouble and wondering why they can't make ends meet. Which is why I'm qualified to warn younger people like Chad. Work full-time and save at least 15% NOW. Otherwise you have to play catch-up, which is hard if not impossible. If Chad is able-bodied, he should be working full-time. He should also have an educational back-up plan in case his body gives out early and he needs to change careers. Erin should too. There are no guarantees in life. I've seen it!

    4. Yes, Chad is pushing 40. He is not going to be able to do construction forever.

    5. This family is one slipped disc away from true poverty.

    6. @6:41 Why would two grown. healthy people need to depend on their family to help them? They should be supporting themselves.

    7. 7:23…I get what you are saying. My husband and I had a season of very difficult finances. There was no way I could have treated myself to DIY hair color or nail polish no matter how inexpensive it was! Thankfully we are out of that, but it’s something that sticks with you, and no I don’t see poverty in the Paine Clan.

    8. 6:38. You must not know much about history. It wasn’t that long ago when The Great Depression happened. Families did need to come together to help each other. No matter how old my children are I will always be available to help if necessary. Life happens.

    9. We simply don't know this family's finanicial situation, so it's silly to make guesses about it.

    10. @1:42 We are not in a Great Depression. Far from it. Have you seen the stock market lately??? Also, Chad and Erin are not going through any disastrous events requiring family help. Making a poor work choice or housing choice is not a disastrous event out of their control. I would not be very willing to help my children financially if I saw them making poor choices. They would get practical advice before they'd get any money.

    11. 3:34. My grown child and her husband made a poor financial choice. My husband and I offered for them and our grandchild to come back home. They chose not to, but were very grateful for a safe place to land. They have worked hard and put themselves back together and are doing well. I will never not be a no judgement safe space for my children no matter how grown.

  21. But then you’re paying rent every month and have nothing to show for it, If you make house payments every month you’re gaining equity in a home and eventually will have it paid off, hopefully by the time you retire. It’s also a good investment. There’s no sin in renting , sometimes it’s necessary for a short while, but basically you are throwing your money away when you do so.

    1. Well home ownership is not without its drawbacks. Houses are very "needy" and have to be maintained. I owned a house for a number of years, but when I reached my 70's the upkeep was too much for me as I had to hire someone to fix anything that needed to be reapired (like a new roof, new A/C heating system) and to do the yard work I was no longer able to do. I sold the house and got a tidy nest egg and am now renting an apartment which suits my needs much better. Sure you're paying rent every month, but when repairs are needed you call the landlord and THEY fix the problem.

    2. You only gain equity in a home if the resale value holds. Otherwise you can be underwater with your loan. We saw that happen in many parts of the country about 15 years ago while Bush was in office. Remember? People were literally walking away from their homes and leaving the key in the door because they owed so much and prices were so down. That slump may have contributed to Bush losing the election in 2008. Fortunately, housing prices are high right now, good for owners, and there is hope that first-time home buyers are going to get help soon in the form of interest rate reduction by the Federal Reserve Board, and a new first-time buyer's incentive...if we're lucky. I know I'll be doing what I can to make that happen.

    3. 4:55 PM: I agree. Yes, home values need to stay steady in order to get a good price when selling. I'm old enough to remember the Carter years of 18-22% interest rates on home loans. "Wrap-around" mortgages, Balloon payments, etc. were invented to help buyers and sellers. I urge everyone to be careful of plans and promises made by political candidates. Often these plans fizzle out after the elections. I, too, am wanting the best for my fellow Americans, and am working accordingly.

    4. @2:45 That interest rate was a blip due to an economic expansion that began when Nixon was in office. The Feds set the interest rate, not the President or Congress. They can only set policies, not rates. Policies that include handing out free money, for example, cause inflation and then the Feds raise the interest rate to try to stem inflation. That's what happened during the Covid years. If you want to talk who was in office when interest rates were at their lowest, try the Obama years.

    5. 3:27 Renting may be more practical for senior citizens who aren't able to keep up a home they may have enjoyed for many years. However, home ownership is a far better investment than spending your life renting. The Paine's are young yet.

  22. Erin, I don’t know if you read these comments at all but if so, I just want you to know how much I love your music. I have downloaded every one of your albums and I listen to them as I work remotely at home. Your piano playing is very calming and brings me a peace that helps me concentrate on my work. I am praying for you and Chad. Continue to trust in the Lord, as you already do, and He will direct your path. Wherever He takes you He will continue to use you for His glory. God bless you both and may His face shine upon you.

  23. I may get jumped on for this, but I don't see the Paines as desirable tenants due to their lack of known jobs (Chad is very vague and evasive about what he does to earn money and Erin is a SAHM) their ever increasing family size and numerous pets.

    1. He is "vague and evasive" to the nosy public.

    2. The ”nosy public” is their YouTube bread and butter.

    3. @2:27 The same "nosy public" they want to view their channel so they can make money?

    4. Anon 2:27. They put themselves on public display so they should be prepared to answer a simple question about what they do for a living without becoming evasive. Most people are pretty up front about what they do for a living (I'm a truck driver, a nurse, an electrician, etc.) so it does make me wonder what's going on with them.

    5. But they still don't owe us ANYTHING. They can have the right to pick what they keep private.

  24. Maybe they can live in the tent in Carlin's backyard! They can use the pool as a bath/shower.

  25. It’s always surprised why they didn’t buy their own house right away. Homes are so cheap in Tennessee compared to other parts of the U.S., like California. They need to settle down and buy a house they can afford.

  26. When you're renting a house, I don't think it's wise to add numerous animals/livestock to the mix. Renting is a very temporary state to live in. You have to move more often than not and it costs to transport those animals. Just not practical until you own your own land.

  27. If Chad is going to be "vague and evasive" to the nosy public, why then do they choose to put out a YouTube regarding their business in the first place?

  28. Wow! So many nasty judgmental and hateful people commenting on here like they actually know anything about what is going on in their lives. You all need to take a good long look at yourself and the reasons you’re so rude and hateful.

    1. No one is being hateful or judgmental. They put their lives on the internet so they're going to get comments. It's how they make their living.

    2. It's probably simply some very experienced people who have been thru similar situations or had loved ones go through them, and are now qualified to and eager to give life advice. You don't have to take it, but sometimes you're crazy not to, if it comes from someone with experience.

  29. Are they for real? They rent a house, have another kid and acquire a bunch of animals, then don't know why the landlord doesn't want to renew their lease.

  30. I just watched Trace and Lydia’s channel. Twice Trace mentioned doing construction with Chad when he and Erin move back at the end of the year.

  31. Interestingly, they stated the move to FL was God leading them to a church family down there (or something like that). I don’t recall any mention of said church family while they have lived in FL! So, what was this move all about in reality to uproot their kids and animals???


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