Thursday, December 12, 2024

A New Ride for Mama B

Christmas came early for Kelly Bates, in the form of a very large gift. About five years ago, Katie totaled Kelly's car, and she decided to buy her mom an even nicer replacement and give it to her as an early Christmas present. Katie and Travis Clark found what they considered to be the perfect ride for Mama B, but it wasn't local. Travis had to hop on a plane to go pick it up and then drive it through the night back to East Tennessee. If you would like to see Gil and Kelly's reactions to the gift, check out the Clarks' most recent YouTube video.


  1. So Kelly hasn't had a car for the past 5 years? lol

    1. She had a car but it was super old and so you Travis and Kate surprised her with a brand new one that was more dependable

  2. Very sweet of Katie and Travis. Congratulations Mama B!!!

    Merry Christmas to all of the Bates family. Loved their show and now watching some of the children’s YouTube videos.

  3. How sweet and thoughtful of Katie. Mama B deserves this. She’s such a kind and giving woman and obviously taught her children to be the same way.

  4. Didn't they have insurance on the totaled car? You'd at least get something towards a new car from that. Kids don't have to wait 5 years to get one for you. That's what insurance is for.

  5. How many other cars do they have sitting on that property?

  6. LOL - Here's me about to get rid of a 7 year old vehicle with 15,000 miles on it because I think it's gotten too old. There's Kelly thrilled to get a 5 year old vehicle with 30-something thousand miles on it. One of us is crazy?

    1. Personal preference and pocketbooks more or less stuffed to different capacities. nothing to do with crazy. I drive a Dodge Dakota Sport year 2000 and i love that car. When it dies i want to replace it with something similar. Its almost 25 years old but runs fine. The rust and hail marks just give it extra character. Of course, I'm slightly prejudiced. It was my grandpa's truck and he passed away in 2021. Sentimental value there. But aside from that, I'm very fond of older pick-up trucks. I'd be more excited if my future husband drove up in an old pick up instead of a hot rod.

    2. I drove the same vehicle for 16 years. Bought a new one in June last year. I’m so grateful and blessed! I needed something that I sit up a little taller in…I’m 5’1.

  7. Sounds like it's really a present from Travis, since he had to fly to get it, and then drive it home.

    1. Katie would have just totaled it!

  8. Glad she's happy but I can't stand used cars. Bought one once and never again. I like them new so I know exactly what happens to them and how they're maintained. Always sell mine to friends who seem happy to get them, but I'm ready to get rid of them by that point. They can have them. I like new.

    1. I prefer used. Cheaper, and doesn't have all the extra electric EMF radiating bells and whistles. And frankly I"m suspicious that new cars have spy stuff hidden inside. Call me paranoid, but that's my opinion.

    2. Some of us can't afford new cars and are thankful for our used cars. One bad used car experience doesn't mean all used cars are bad.

    3. If the car has a working cassette player I'm interested. I love my cassette tapes and they all still play, but i only get to listen to them if I'm driving, so an older used car is my preferred ride. I don't like the new cars. To look at they have no class, no character...and they're too expensive for my pocketbook. Used cars that run, (and have a working cassette player) what more do i need? Nothing.

    4. I would not buy someone else's discarded car. You never know how it was treated when it was being driven, and dealers or sellers will lie through their teeth about the condition. @9:32 You can get all cassette music on CD or thru your phone these days. New cars have a place for a thumb drive with music files or a phone. Cassettes degrade with time and heat and cassette player belts rot.

    5. 4:22, that's your prerogative but not everyone has the luxury of affording a new car in this economy. Calling used cars "discarded" is demeaning.

  9. Always a sweet thing to be able to do something so special for your parents

  10. Why does Mama B “deserve” this? The Bates, all of them, are financially well off. If Kelly Jo wanted her “dream car” she could have purchased it herself. This looks like a publicity stunt.

    1. It looks like her daughter felt guilty about the accident or for some reason felt she needed to make up for that. The money would have been better off being invested for the future. Cars depreciate.

    2. Yes. Agree. There are multitudes of people more “deserving”.

    3. Amen! Don’t Mama and Daddy have more resources than the kids?

    4. Katie and Travis must be financially well off at any rate. Seriously, i couldn't even buy a bicycle right now and the only reason my parents got a new (used actually) car recently was because it was a free gift from family. They couldn't afford to replace the car that died with even a used car. This Youtube stuff must be a slick and easy way to make quick money.

    5. Wow. Can't just be happy for her, huh?

    6. Because they think she's a great mom who's worked hard raising them for years and they want to do something nice for her?

    7. Katie said that she had totaled her mother's car a few years ago and wanted to replace it for her.

    8. Because Katie totaled her car? Because her mom spent years raising her? Because she's a good mom? Why do you think she doesn't deserve it?

    9. (6:54) You don't owe your parents a car for raising you. They chose to have you. They chose the job. They shouldn't bill you later or make you feel like you owe them a car. If my kids tried to pay me somehow for raising them, I'd tell them to save their money,

    10. @6:54. There are much more “deserving” people than Kelly Jo. Kelly Jo can afford anything she wants. What about giving a car to the single Mom who works 3 jobs to feed her kids taking public transportation because she truly can’t afford a car? What about the man who lost his job and had to default on his car payment? This is nothing more than a publicity grab.

    11. I don’t think they need a publicity stunt. They have a over 400k subscribers on youtube. I think Kelly is very busy taking care of her large family and her husband’s aging parents, and does not do things for herself. She treated her children well, they love her, and they want to do kind things for her. Josie and Carlin recently took her on a trip, now Katie saw something she could do. Loving family members often give large gifts—there’s been a number of cars given among my family and extended family, and believe me, there is no publicity involved. We are just a regular middle class family. The difference with the Bates is that it is public because that is one way they make their money. Most of us watch some form of entertainment, and the actors or personalities or reality stars are paid well. The Bates give me positive entertainment, so I am happy that they get paid well. Katie certainly did not have to give away the car and could’ve used the money for something else, but she chose to give her mom a car and I’m glad she did.

    12. Accusing them of a publicity stunt is just malicious gossip. And deciding someone else deserves something is not the same as the recipient feeling entitled or like they are owed something.

    13. The lectures here are annoying. Why do you have to rank who is more "deserving"? Katie thinks her mom is deserving of a car, and Katie and her husband get to choose how to spend their money. Period.

    14. Ok then 12/31 @ 11:20, but that still doesn't make it right to show off what you've done by making a video of it and taking it straight to your Youtube channel to make $$$ from it. You can't see that kind of behavior when others seem to be able to see it? Wouldn't it have been much better social behavior to video it for family viewing only and keep it private otherwise?

    15. 3:54, I'm confused by your comment. I said nothing about what you're talking about.

  11. Beautiful thing to do for your Mom. Nothing nicer than the opportunity to give back to some of the most special people in your life,as a thank you for all they did for you. 😊

  12. I have mixed feelings about buying used cars. Sometimes you can get a good car that's been well maintained, but all too often you get someone else's problem car. I hope this car is a good one.

  13. What a nice gift! While I am a bit envious at this family's wealth, I also know that wealth comes with its problems too. I have enough problems in this life just being poor.

  14. This makes no sense. Did Katie feel guilty all these years for crashing her mom's car that she wanted to buy her a new one? Technically the Bates don't have their own cars on Gil and Kelly Jo's property until the kids get their driver's license and then they get a car of their own. So the car Katie crashed was probably one of the many on the property. Saw in the video they had several cars (the big van,trucks,and an large SUV) on the property,so Kelly Jo probably just drove the large SUV or van around the last few years. While it was a kind gester,there was probably no need to add another car to the many sitting on the property.

  15. Seriously? Why would you say such a thing?

  16. So so kind and considerate of Travis and Katie.

  17. 6:54. Nothing wrong with Katie giving her Mom a car. But, doing it for the accolades is quite self-serving. Katie and Travis could have done it privately. And, I can certainly think of people a lot more “deserving” of a free car than an already wealthy family who has the financial means to purchase whatever “dream” they want.

    1. 9:31 It's amazing what the Bates family chooses to keep private and what they put out for the public to see. It must be very difficult trying to remember what can be told or shown and what can't. Just like it's easier to remember the truth than a lie. It must take a lot of mental energy to keep your public persona going and not let something show through cracks that you don't want people to know. What a life.

    2. I tend to agree with you. It'seems more about making themselves look good, than any real need on Kelly's part. I gave my son a well maintained used car when he graduated from college and didn't think I needed to go on the internet and brag about it.

  18. Great, you gave your mom a car. Not so great, you felt you had to advertise that fact and make money on the video. "Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven." Left hand not supposed to be knowing what the right hand is doing and all that. We have been told.

    1. Some people like to believe only certain parts of the Bible. When you bring up verses like that, they act like they have no idea what you mean and it can't possibly apply to them.

  19. Anonymous Agree 100% with your comment December 26., 9:31am. Should have done it in private. Guess Katie and Travis are doing ok with money. Gil/Kelly am sure can afford their own for sure

  20. Let's say that Katie & Travis "paid themselves back" for the car by putting it on YouTube and advertising their charitable act to KellyJo. The money they would make from views would pay for the vehicle. Do you want to tell me that Kelly didn't have a dependable enough vehicle to drive all of these years? Of course she did.

  21. Since their auto insurance would have paid for repairs or to replace the wrecked car, this is simply a gift to Mama B. It seems they wanted everyone to know about it.


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