Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Baby Bates Due June 13th

Trace and Lydia Bates are gearing up to become a family of four in less than five months. They sat down to answer questions about the pregnancy, the gender of their baby, and Ryker. Lydia's due date is June 13th, which means that Ryker will be just three months shy of turning two. Both Trace and Lydia come from big families and are looking forward to having two children who are close in age. Stay tuned for a gender reveal in just a few weeks!




  1. Never mind, I'll just wait for the actual gender reveal.

  2. It was scheduled to announced today (February 1st) on their YouTube channel.

  3. Babies and marriage. The Duggar and Bates way.

    1. It's kind of sad, right? I'd much rather see an announcement about Jennifer going to college or Jackson becoming an electrician than another wedding or baby announcement.

    2. I enjoy seeing any content but yes more about the Unmarried kids would be nice

    3. They seem to enjoy it.

  4. A two part gender reveal? Oh well, more $$$


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