Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Paines Make Their Move

Erin and Chad Paine announced in September that they would be moving out of their rental home in Florida, but it took them quite a while to decide where they would be going. In honor of New Year's they have just shared the details of their next step. They thought they might be moving back to Tennessee, but God closed that door, so they are staying in Florida--at least for the time being. The Paines' new rental home is in a subdivision, which will be a big adjustment for all of them. You'll see footage from their move and some shots of the house in their latest YouTube video.


  1. I thought for sure they were moving back to TN! I’m glad they are staying put in FL (after all they said God lead them there!) and a subdivision will be great; especially for the kids. It’s nice to make friends that live nearby. Did I hear Erin say it was on a golf course? Even better! They can learn a new sport!!! Much happiness in your new home!!! Enjoy☀️🏌️‍♀️

    1. This post is tone deaf. Erin is obviously upset and torn about the situation and you suggest learning a new sport? We should be happy for people who are experiencing joy, but cry with those who are upset and struggling. Empathy goes a long way.

    2. Oh my goodness; I was being empathetic by encouraging her to see something new /different as a positive to their new home!!!

    3. It's a touchy thing to know when to just listen to others' feelings and to know when to offer encouragement. Since this is a fan blog and Erin probably doesn't read the comments, I don't think the original commenter was out of bounds to look at the bright side.

  2. Another rental house? I hope they've learned not to put time and money into a house they don't own.

  3. They had to move out of the old place, they said. I wonder why?

    1. Have they explained this? Did the landlord not renew their lease for some reason? Is the place being sold while the housing market is good? When you rent, you have no control over something like that.

  4. For someone who supposedly is following where God leads her, Erin sure sounds sad about moving to this house.

    1. Yeah. They give the impression that living in a "subdividion" was not at all what they wanted but had to make do with it.

    2. She looked and sounded ready to cry at many points, or like she had been crying!

    3. Agreed. It was like she;s rather unhappy with the house, although I'm not sure what she thinks is wrong with it.

    4. Erin was trying to put a positive spin on it by talking about her local church friends and how the kids will enjoy being in a neighborhood, but my gosh, you could see that the person who needs the most convincing about this move is Erin herself. She looked very disappointed not to be going back home with family and to be giving up her goats and land. It's probably going to eat at her until they move again to somewhere she wants.

    5. God created us as emotional beings, and it's ok to feel mixed emotions at a time of transition.

    6. Excellent comment! Thank you for posting itπŸ™‚

  5. They should never have let those little kids run around in the truck like that, up and down the sloped ramp, underfoot when heavy furniture was being moved. The last thing they needed at that point was an injury, or ending up in the ER with a child. Their babysitters/helpers should have organized an activity for the kids, far away from the truck. I wonder where common sense has gone?

  6. Chad was going to the post office with orders? Do they have some sort of mail order business?

    1. The sell stuff online.

    2. I think they used to seel flash cards with Bible verses on them. Maybe that's what they're talking about.

    3. Yes, they have a website.

    4. They sell beautiful Bible verses and wooden stands that display them among other things. They are living a God focused life.

    5. @9:38 I don't consider anyone profiting from the Bible to be living a God-focused life.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  9. I don’t think the housing market is going to get better next year as Chad suggests. I feel sad for Erin, they have been hoping to buy their own home for years but to no avail. Maybe it would be better if Chad worked for a company instead of being self employed. Doesn’t appear to be much stability there.

  10. Why didn’t they buy a home instead of renting again?

    1. Who knows? Chad made some noises about waiting for the housing market to get "better" but since prices go up all the time, I'm not sure what that was supposed to mean. Erin is clearly unhappy because they moved into another rental and there's no guarantee how long they'll be able to stay there. These moves are not setting well with er.

    2. It sounds like they can’t afford to buy a home or can’t qualify for a mortgage.

    3. To be honest, I don't think they have the means to buy a house and that's why they keep renting.

  11. I'm not sure what's going on with them. They seem rather at a loss as what to do next and this is a stop-gap move until they figure out what to do long term.

  12. I hope that the Paine family enjoys their new home.

  13. I don't know why they can't move back to TN where the cost of living is much less. Despite her efforts to put a positive spin on it, Erin is obviously unhappy with this move.

  14. It looks like they didn't go far. I thought I heard them say that they would still be with the same church. Is this true?

  15. This is one SWEET FAMILY! This is my first time seeing and writing on this but as I was reading what everyone was saying I had to shake my head and say “I can’t believe how opinionated and judgmental people can be. I guess that’s why I don’t put my business out for the world to see and say their own thoughts as if it’s true. . I do attend church with this family and I know they miss their families deeply but like someone said we should always encourage them to seek God’s path for themselves. I have prayed with them about a house and I would never divulge their prayers, but they are truly a precious family…πŸ™


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