Saturday, February 22, 2025

Stewarts Announce Baby #3

Carlin and Evan Stewart made a big announcement today. They are expecting their third child! This baby will join five-year-old Layla Stewart and three-year-old Zade Stewart (whose birthday is in March). Carlin had significant health struggles following Zade’s birth, and for a while the Stewarts were unsure whether they would have more children. 


  1. CONGRATULATIONS to the Stewart family! We enjoy your videos and watching your 2 children grow up before our eyes. We will be praying for you as God blessed you with another baby to love . You are indeed caring, loving, dedicated parents and couple together. We enjoy watching your video post each week. You will be in our prayers for your health during this pregnancy and delivery and after baby arrives!

    1. Agreeing in prayer for Carlin. πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ Sorry if this posts twice. Having issues with my tablet.

  2. Congratulations Stewart. Family. Layla going to be over the moon. πŸ©·πŸ’™πŸ©·πŸ’™

    1. Are you sure about that? She doesn't seem like the type who'd want to share attention.

  3. That's nice. I know they wanted to have more children.

  4. This is never a surprise with the family. Bates or Duggars

  5. Children are a blessing, but because of health concerns, this situation is concerning.

  6. So thankful God is blessing you with another baby. You are such a precious family!

    1. Her doctor said long ago that she could have a baby safely. (It was on the vlog.)

  7. What exciting news! They were talking about wanting another child! We will be praying all goes well with Carlin health this pregnancy and after birth of the baby. You are wonderful caring loving parents to Layla and Zane. This baby will be so loved and baby BIG sister and brother will be BIG helpers too! Can't wait to hear the news if it boy or girl and name chosen for the baby!!


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