


Gilvin "Gil" Bates
January 1, 1965

Finley Marie Paine
January 18, 2022
Michael Christian (Bates) Keilen
January 23, 1990

Lexi Mae Webster
January 26, 2017 

Layla Rae Stewart
January 31, 2020

Trace Whitfield Bates
February 1, 1997 

Jeb Colton Bates
February 1, 2012 
Maci Jo Webster
February 9, 2021
Tiffany (Espensen) Bates
February 10, 1999 
Robert "Bobby" Ellis Smith III
February 16, 1995

Jackson Ezekiel Bates
February 17, 2002

Addallee Hope Bates
February 17, 2006
Hailey James Clark
February 17, 2023
Miles Kelton Balka
February 21, 2024
Travis Clark
March 8, 2001
Rhett Alan Webster
March 18, 2023

Kolter Gray Smith
March 25, 2020
Zade Patrick Stewart
March 27, 2022
Zoey Joy Webster
March 28, 2018

Everly Hope Paine
March 30, 2018 
Lydia (Romeike) Bates
April 10, 1998

Carlin Brianne (Bates) Stewart
April 11, 1998 

Allie Jane Webster
April 11, 2015

Charles "Chad" Stephen Paine III
April 18, 1987 

Ellie Bridget Bates
April 28, 2007 

Erin Elise (Bates) Paine
May 2, 1991

Charles "Carson" Stephen Paine IV
May 14, 2015

Warden Justice Bates
May 19, 2003
Weston Slade Smith
May 29, 2024

Jadon Carl Bates
June 7, 2021
Hazel Sloane Balka
June 14, 2021 

Kaci Lynn Bates
June 20, 2016
Charlotte Raine Smith
June 24, 2021

Kelton Edward Balka
July 4, 1995 

Willow Kristy Balka
July 19, 2019
William Daniel Bates
July 19, 2024

William "Lawson" Bates
July 27, 1992

Callie-Anna Rose Bates
August 2, 2009
Cambree Layne Smith
August 2, 2022
Josie Kellyn (Bates) Balka
August 4, 1999

Brooklyn Elise Paine
August 6, 2016
Lily Jo Bates
August 15, 2023
Evan Patrick Stewart
August 24, 1995

Kenneth "Nathan" Nathaniel Bates
August 29, 1993
Ryker Cruise Bates
September 12, 2023

Judson Wyatt Bates
September 15, 2010

Brandon Timothy Keilen
September 15, 1989

Whitney (Perkins) Bates
September 21, 1993

Katie Grace Bates
October 5, 2000
Esther (Keyes) Bates
October 14, 1997

Isaiah Courage Bates
October 16, 2004
Kenna Joy Bates
October 17, 2022
Kelly Jo Bates
October 26, 1966

Bradley Gilvin Bates
October 29, 2014
William Gage Paine
October 30, 2023

Khloe Eileen Bates
November 7, 2019

Alyssa Joy (Bates) Webster
November 9, 1994

Robert "Kade" Ellis Smith IV
November 9, 2018

John Webster
November 21, 1989

Holland Grace Paine
November 26, 2019

Tori Layne (Bates) Smith
December 20, 1995

Zachary "Zach" Gilvin Bates
December 30, 1988

Gilvin "Gil" Bates
January 1, 1965

Kelly Jo Bates
October 26, 1966

1. Zachary "Zach" Gilvin Bates
December 30, 1988
Wife: Whitney (Perkins) Bates
September 21,1993 
     #1: Bradley Gilvin Bates
     October 29, 2014
     #2: Kaci Lynn Bates
     June 20, 2016
     #3: Khloe Eileen Bates
     November 7, 2019
     #4: Jadon Carl Bates
     June 7, 2021
     #5: Lily Jo Bates
     August 15, 2023

2. Michael Christian (Bates) Keilen
January 23, 1990
Husband: Brandon Timothy Keilen 
September 15, 1989

3. Erin Elise (Bates) Paine
May 2, 1991
Husband: Charles "Chad" Stephen Paine III
April 18, 1987
     #1: Charles "Carson" Stephen Paine IV  
     May 14, 2015
     #2: Brooklyn Elise Paine
     August 6, 2016
     #3: Everly Hope Paine
     March 30, 2018 
     #4: Holland Grace Paine
     November 26, 2019
    #5: Finley Marie Paine
    January 18, 2022
    #6: William Gage Paine
    October 30, 2023

4. William "Lawson" Bates
July 27, 1992
Wife: Tiffany (Espensen) Bates
February 10, 1999 
     #1: . William Daniel Bates
     July 19, 2024

5. Kenneth "Nathan" Nathaniel Bates
August 29, 1993
Wife: Esther (Keyes) Bates
October 14, 1997
     #1: Kenna Joy Bates
     October 17, 2022 
     #2: Due Fall 2024
6. Alyssa Joy (Bates) Webster
November 9, 1994
Husband: John Webster
November 21, 1989
     #1: Allie Jane Webster
     April 11, 2015
     #2: Lexi Mae Webster
     January 26, 2017
     #3: Zoey Joy Webster
     March 28, 2018 
     #4: Maci Jo Webster
     February 9, 2021
     #5: Rhett Alan Webster
     March 18, 2023

7. Tori Layne (Bates) Smith
December 20, 1995
Husband: Bobby Smith
     February 16, 1995
     #1: Robert "Kade" Ellis Smith IV
     November 9, 2018
     #2: Kolter Gray Smith
     March 25, 2020
     #3: Charlotte Raine Smith
  June 24, 2021
     #4: Cambree Layne Smith
     August 2, 2022
     #5: Weston Slade Smith
     May 29, 2024

8. Trace Whitfield Bates
February 1, 1997
Wife: Lydia (Romeike) Bates
April 10, 1998 
    #1: Ryker Cruise Bates
    September 12, 2023

9. Carlin Brianne (Bates) Stewart
April 11, 1998
Husband: Evan Patrick Stewart
August 24, 1995
     #1: Layla Rae Stewart
     January 31, 2020
    #2: Zade Patrick Stewart
    March 27, 2022
10. Josie Kellyn (Bates) Balka
August 4, 1999
Husband: Kelton Edward Balka 
July 4, 1995
     #1: Willow Kristy Balka
     July 19 2019
     #2: Hazel Sloane Balka
     June 14, 2021 
     #3: Miles Kelton Balka
     February 21, 2024

11. Katie Grace Bates
October 5, 2000
Husband: Travis Clark
March 8, 2001 
     #1: Hailey James Clark
     February 17, 2023 
     #2: Due Fall 2024

12. Jackson Ezekiel Bates
February 17, 2002
Wife: Emerson Wells

13. Warden Justice Bates
May 19, 2003

14. Isaiah Courage Bates
October 16, 2004

15. Addallee Hope Bates
February 17, 2006

16. Ellie Bridget Bates
April 28, 2007

17. Callie-Anna Rose Bates
August 2, 2009

18. Judson Wyatt Bates
September 15, 2010

19. Jeb Colton Bates
February 1, 2012


Lawson Bates and Tiffany Espensen
May 12, 2022

Alyssa Bates and John Webster
May 24, 2014

Carlin Bates and Evan Stewart
May 25, 2019

Michael "Michaela" Bates and Brandon Keilen
August 15, 2015
Trace Bates and Lydia Romeike
October 1, 2022

Josie Bates and Kelton Balka
October 5, 2018
Jackson Bates and Emerson Wells
October 14, 2023
Nathan Bates and Esther Keyes
October 22, 2021

Erin Bates and Chad Paine
November 2, 2013
Katie Bates and Travis Clark
December 3, 2021

Zach Bates and Whitney Perkins
December 14, 2013

Tori Bates and Bobby Smith
December 16, 2017

Gil Bates and Kelly Jo Bates
December 19, 1987


  1. Bradley Gilvin Bates 
October 29, 2014

2. Allie Jane Webster 
April 11, 2015

3. Charles "Carson" Stephen Paine IV
 May 14, 2015

4. Kaci Lynn Bates 
June 20, 2016

5. Brooklyn Elise Paine 
August 6, 2016

6. Lexi Mae Webster 
January 26, 2017

7. Zoey Joy Webster 
March 28, 2018

8. Everly Hope Paine 
March 30, 2018

9. Robert "Kade" Ellis Smith IV
November 9, 2018

10. Willow Kristy Balka
July 19, 2019 

11. Khloe Eileen Bates
     November 7, 2019

12. Holland Grace Paine
     November 26, 2019

13. Layla Rae Stewart
January 31, 2020

14. Kolter Gray Smith
March 25, 2020

15. Maci Jo Webster
February 9, 2021

16. Jadon Carl Bates
June 7, 2021

17. Hazel Sloane Balka
June 14, 2021

18. Charlotte Raine Smith
June 24, 2021
19. Finley Marie Paine
    January 18, 2022
20. Zade Patrick Stewart
March 27, 2022 
21. Cambree Layne Smith
     August 2, 2022
22. Kenna Joy Bates
     October 17, 2022
    23. Hailey James Clark
     February 17, 2023 

24. Rhett Alan Webster
March 18, 2023

25. Lily Jo Bates
August 15, 2023
26. Ryker Cruise Bates
September 12, 2023
27. William Gage Paine
October 30, 2023
28. Miles Kelton Balka
February 21, 2024

29. Weston Slade Smith
May 29, 2024

30. William Daniel Bates
July 19, 2024

31. Nathan and Esther Bates
Due Fall 2024

32. Katie and Travis Clark
Due Fall 2024


  1. Love you guys! Glad you got another show. I'm sure it will be successful! God bless you all and please tell Erin we are praying for her and Chad.

  2. This is great! I will enjoy referring to this. Please can we have the same chart for the Duggars?

    1. Hi Jenn,

      Glad you like it! We have a similar chart on the Duggar site. :)

      Lily and Ellie

    2. Yes if you go to the duggar page and click on the birthday tab youll find a similar chart 😄

    3. Can you do this exact chart on the duggar family blog

    4. We have a similar chart on the Duggar Family Blog, although it is slightly different. We agree that the Bates format is better, so when we find a few moments to spare, we will change the one on the Duggar site. :)

      ~Lily and Ellie

    5. Katie and I have the same birthday and we were born the same year.

  3. Replies
    1. I thought I read somewhere that Brandon was a few years younger than Michael, just like Ben is a few years younger than Jessa (Duggar) Seawald. Why didn't she keep her birth name as Michal, I like it better. It's cute.

    2. I remember that too. Matter of fact I remember thinking that she is 2 years older than him when they were courting.

    3. Why does differences in their age matter?

  4. love you what is the name of the duggers blog

    1. The URL of the Duggar Family Blog is :)

      Lily and Ellie

    2. You guys r silly. This is Bates' site. Go to Duggar
      site to ask @ Duggars.

  5. I believe the Bates family blog run by the Bateses themselves said that Brandon turned 25 last September, which would make his birth year 1989. :)

  6. Hi Lilly and Ellie
    Some of the Bates children have rather unusual names I'd love to hear why they were chosen and if they have any meaning. I wonder why the eldest daughter seems to have the boys version of Micheal and Christian is there a reason or does she just prefer it that way? Thanks so much.

    1. Isn't Larson ("William" Larson ) named after his paternal grandfather ? And Nathan (" Kenneth " Nathaniel ) named after his maternal grandfather ?

  7. Maybe you could do a third column that is more strictly birth order like you have it on the Duggar blog. Since the in-laws and grandchild(ren) are listed only with their spouses/parents, the list is not necessarily in actual birth order. :) Also, I think it would be nice to add an 'In Memory' section similar to that on the Duggar blog. I have heard Kelly Jo mention at least two miscarriages that she herself has had and she said that Erin has had at least three. I also know Erin and Chad named one of their children Angel, but I'm not sure of any of the others' names.

    On a similar note, on the Duggar blog, maybe you could add in Anna and Josh's miscarried child to the In Memory section.

    Thank you for all you do!! :)

    1. when did Josh and Anna have a miscarage?

    2. WHAAAT Josh and Anna had a miscarriage???????????

    3. Anna miscarried between Mackynzie and Michael. She is currently pregnant with her 4th and is doing well.

      Lily and Ellie

    4. i would love it if u did that stuff to. Thanks!

    5. Hi Ellie & Lily,
      will Anna & Josh be able to have more children after what happened? I mean, is their any new of late? thx!!

  8. I love this birthday chart!

  9. I think that you have done a wonderful job with the site. Could we have their names on the home page like the Duggar's still tryingbto figure out all of the names. Thanks!!! God Bless!

  10. Thank you! I love it!!!!!!!!!

  11. Could you put Erins due date on there please? Thanks!

    1. Looks like we missed this comment. Sorry about that! Erin is due June 8th. :)

      Lily and Ellie

  12. Erin and I have the same middle name! The Bates have two months without birthdays. That's kind of crazy to have two sets of kids who share a birthday that are not twins! Thank you for all you ladies do congrats on the new blog.

  13. thank for putting her due date on there

  14. Erin is a day and a month short of being 7 full years older than me! That is amazing!

  15. what church do thay go to Lillie and Ellie?

    1. The Bates attend Bible Baptist Church. Their congregation meets in the Holiday Inn Express Conference Room at 111 Hillvale road, Clinton, TN, on Sundays at 10 am, 11 am, & 6pm and Wednesdays at 7pm.

      Lily and Ellie

  16. Erin and I have the same middle name and her baby is due a few days before my birthday.

    1. Maybe the baby will be born on your birthday!

  17. I like your show on makeup erin

  18. I love this website!!!!!!

  19. my name is Rebekah can i call the duggars and bates?

  20. Kaitie shares my first name and is 4 months younger then me

  21. wuts kellys maiden name?

    1. i was wondering the same thing

    2. Kelly Jo Smith

    3. It's not smith it was Callaham. I went to church in Spartanburg where she is from and my mom was good friends with her dad.

  22. I just started looking at this blog and have a question. What is Michael "Michaella" Christian Bates actual name? Is it Michael or Michaella? I named my daughter Michaela after her father Michael.

    1. Michaella Christian Bates. She goes by "Michael"

    2. Michael is her official name and Michaela/Michaella is a nickname.

    3. yeah Michael is her legal name and she goes by michaela. At firsy her parents intended to name her mikell (hope im spelling it right) but after reading the bible they saw that somebody in there with thay name was not a good person and they didnt want their daughter to share that name. Personally i think michael is a really pretty name!! Hope this helps😊

    4. Her initial name was Michal Christan

    5. Two nicknames? Confusing. Why not go by the original birth mane Michal ? It's neat. Original. I like it. It appears to be less masculine. And it was chosen for her.

  23. Alssya got married on my birthday, that is so cool. Will definitely remember that. :)

    1. that's awesome yea josh and Anna duggar married on my it's so cool yea and will definitely remember there anniversary yay

  24. Please add Allison Jane Webster on there, too. Also add Bill and Jane Bates, Gil's parents as well.

    1. Michelle Duggar had help with her children with Grandmom Duggar near . Did Kelly have any help through the years?

  25. i like the Duggars layout better for birthdays

  26. Love this show and the family!!! Happy upcoming birthday to Chad!! And we share a birthday.... Mine is April 18th, too!!

  27. yall needa put allie on the list

  28. you need to change Baby #1: Due April 10, 2015 to Allie Jane Webster birthday April 11, 2015 to the list and change courting to engage in front Brandon

    1. I think after they are born baby #1 put in front Allie and Bradley should disappear. Just be 1. Bradley and 1. Allie without baby in front of them. I think it would look a little better.

  29. You still have Allie listed as due.

  30. You should add Carson to the birthday list as he has been born now.

  31. Carson Paine was born on May 14. When are Michaella Bates ad Brandon Keilen getting married?

  32. seen Erin all ready give birth to Charles "Carson" Steven Paine IV it is time to update the birthday list to his name and when he was born, because he is still listed as due

  33. Why is Michaella's name Michael??????
    Erin's due date was three days before my sister's birthday.

    1. It's just for short. Like my brother's name is Joshua, but we call him J.

    2. No. I don't think so. Her birth name was Michah. For some reason, they changed it to Michael. And then she added the added letters to make it more feminine. And the family were so used to calling her Michael, it has stuck, except with her new sister in laws.

    3. Michaella's name is Michael but she wanted a feminine name

  34. I saw this other site that Lily and Ellie created. It is for the new TV ahow called the Willis family. Can you please put on their site everything you have on this site and thenDuggar site especially the birthday list? Please, i would really appreciate it. Thanks.

  35. you have the cutest family and grand kids do you fell awesome with 3 grandkids allie jane
    Bradley Carson

  36. Lawson's real name is William!!! And Nathan's is Kenneth! I never knew that!

  37. michael and brandon r married now yano

    1. We are so behind in the UK. (2021). Tori isn't even married yet, let alone got children. At moment 6 granbabies

  38. I Saw on Wikipedia that Brandon's Middle name is Timothy and Whitney's middle name is Eileen I know that anyone can add or change to Wikipedia's and I just wondered if you knew if there was any truth to those being their middle names I know Chad and John's have been made public knowledge or at least mentioned by Kelly but I wasn't sure if Brandon or Whitney had and you ladies always have truthful news and so I figured if anyone who wasn't actually a bates knew the knowledge it would be you ladies. So any help you have on this would be great thank you and keep up the good work on the blog.

    1. Brandon's middle name is Timothy. How I know that is in the bates episode where Brandon and Michael are planning their wedding, Michael is talking to Brandon on the phone and his full name is on there. My mother and her have the same phone:)

    2. Was wondering how old is Brandon ?!? I remember reading in an older blog that he was a few years younger than Michael. And how old was he when he graduated college??
      And wondering why do you write Michaella when they seldom call her by that name ? Why just call her Michael ? It isn't that awful. And if she was really named Micah when she was first born why change it ? The spelling is much nicer.

  39. One name is not so rare. We have a granddaughter named Callie Rose. She just had her 16th birthday on Sept. 2 and is the youngest of our grandchildren. Her family are not church goers, but I believe the hand of God has touched them as they are all good. The adult as well as the two female children are so kind and giving.

  40. Does anyone know when Gil and Kelly got engaged and/or when they started dating? Also shouldn't Michael's name be charged to Keilen now she and Brandon are married?

  41. Is Allie Jane's name actually "Allie" or does it like stand for Alyssa or Allison or something?

  42. Have Michael and Brandon said anything about plans for kids?

    1. Hi there,

      So far, Michael and Brandon have not shared what their plans are regarding children. Stay tuned! :)

      Lily and Ellie

    2. Why rush them? They appear to be content with how things are. And besides, maybe they are trying and she hasn't become pregnant.If so....Why say anything or even comment ? Remember Erin had a hard time ? If so....Unknowingly, you could be making things unpleasant for her.

  43. Have the Zach and Whitney announced plans for more kids?

  44. Hey
    Can we please have a header like on the duggar family blog with their photos and name that would be much appreciated
    God bless all

    1. Hi there,

      We're working on creating a header similar to the one we have on our Duggar blog. :)

      Lily and Ellie

  45. I'm sorry, but I get a bit annoyed. This show and family are the BATES, not the Duggars. They are not the same.

    1. I agree !! They aren't the same ! Prefer this family.

  46. Warden and I are just days a part from each other!!!!! Go may birthdays!!!!

  47. Can you put Whitneys due date on here?

  48. Sure thing! We just did.

    Lily and Ellie

  49. Katie has the exact same birthday as me! same year even!

  50. I am wondering if anyone out of the Bates family(extended included) could be a prayer partner for me. I am currently going through many changes and struggles that I would like encouragement and words of wisdom on.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Anybody know the reason why "Michael Christian Bates" has two names that are usually given to boys? Both are lovely names, but I wouldn't do that to a girl child. Must have been a compelling reason.

  53. We in NW NJ just started getting the "UP" network and I so enjoy the Bringing UP Bates Show - I watch them over and over.
    The Bates are so very "real" and down to earth. I am extremely fond of Kelly Jo/ . . . I hope I can enjoy watching for many years. All my best wishes for the two on-the-way babies. Sylvia

  54. please change the cover

    1. Please put ?s next to Zach and Whit and Chad and Erin's pics

    2. please please please

  55. On the top can you put a question mark for where Erin and Whitney's babies would be. Like on the Duggar chart?

  56. Lily and Ellie, do you know where I can rewatch the United Bates of America? It used to be on Netflix but isn't anymore...thanks!

  57. Hi there!

    'United Bates of America' is available for purchase on Amazon ( and iTunes (

    Thanks for being a loyal reader. :)
    Lily and Ellie

    Lily and Ellie

  58. Is it true Tori is in a courtship with a guy named Bobby?

  59. HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY to Carson Paine tomorrow.
    Bless him on his special day.

  60. Why do you not have Ashley Salyer's birthday listed?

    1. Hi Becky,

      Just added it. Thanks for the reminder!

      Lily and Ellie

    2. You should take the courting Ashley Salyer off because they broke up.

  61. This is an awesome chart! Thanks so much for making it. I noticed that you have mostly everyone's full names on the chart but I was just wondering if anyone knows what John Webster's middle name is? Thanks very much!!

  62. Thanks so much for this list! When is Bobby's birthday?

  63. Lily and Ellie,
    Did Gil and Kelly ever name any of their miscarried babies?

  64. When will you add a picture of Kaci?

  65. how many kids did gil and kelly miscarrided i have had 4 it breaks my heart i have eleven kids and two son in laws and two grandkids i love my family
    god bless the bates family thank you lily and ellie for all your work

    1. Gil and Kelly had 4 miscarriages. She said in somewhere on her blog one time that they named the miscarried children Sunny, Zion, Jewels, and Jubilee.

    2. Didn't Michelle Duggar name two of her youngest children Jackson and Josie too ? Did she name her still born Jubilee too ??

  66. Praying for Chad and Erin! When is Chad and Erin's baby due Lily and Ellie? Hannah

    1. Hi Hannah,

      The baby is due August 31st. :)

      Lily and Ellie

    2. She was born the 6 of august

  67. Is Whitney's birthday September 20th or 21st?

  68. According to the Bates official website Whitney's birthday is September 20th. I found this in the bios section of their website. :)

    1. Her birthday is the 21st!!! Whitney told me herself on Facebook.

    2. You need to update your blog and add Alexi Mae Webster on here under January!!! She was born 4 days ago on January 26, 2017!!! :-)

  69. I watch the show every Tuesday. I enjoy the closeness the family has but most of all it is like visiting your relatives.

  70. Oilt true that the Bates are given ideas for story lines ?? Like when Nathan was courting and he bought cowboy boots for the girl ?! I thought I read that some where.

  71. Could you put Bobby's birthday on here?

  72. Please put Alexa Mae Webster's birthday next to Allison Jane Webster's birthday.

  73. Nobody has a birthday in March? that's amazing.

  74. where is Tori Bates and Bobby Smith
    this Saturday
    Wedding Annversary
    December 16, 2017

    Merry Christmas
    Happy New Year

  75. My birthday is the same day as Allie and Carlin!! I was so excited! April 11, 2005

  76. zoey's due date isnt listed

    1. boy, you're quick! good job ellie!

  77. Love the details you have included, including those who are expecting. The Anniversary section appears to have a randomness to it. It started with chronological order, (save for Gil and Kelly's wedding date and then Tori and Bobby's wedding date). Is there a way to bring the alignment either in order by month as the year progresses or by chronological order beginning with Gil and Kelly and moving through the marriages in the order they occurred?

  78. They finally have a birthday every month ;)

  79. Don't forget to add Tori's upcoming little one. Thanks for keeping up this wonderful blog :)

  80. Can you list all the grandchildren in order they were born like you did on The Duggar Blog, thank you....

  81. Great work Lily and Ellie. love your efforts.

  82. What a beautiful.christian family. Love to see their show.

  83. Could u list who had miscarriages n when?

  84. Don't forget to add Carlin's upcoming little one. Lovely blog.

  85. I wanted to say God bless you and your family.

  86. You'll have to add Kolter to the birthdays and the grandkids as well as the cover.

  87. I meant header. You'll have to add both Layla and Kolter to the header.

  88. Happy Birthday Erin! 🎂🎁🎈🎊

  89. Love the blog, whenever you get a chance can you add the last two baby pics. Layla and Kolter have been here for a minute. Thanks.

  90. Love you guys stay safe during Covid-19.

  91. I hello my name is Thia Swan and I just recently found out that more then likely have uterine cancer and all I wanted to do was try to reach out to the Bates to ask for prayers. I do watch their TV show and I respect/love them so much for how they raise their children to worship the Lord. I have 6 children 5 living the ages range from 21 to 10 and I am so scared right now in this time and I need all the prayers I can get so even if you're not one of the Bates family members please say a prayer for me and my family that we get through this rough time and that the cancer has not spread. I know God never gives us more than we can handle but I think he may be giving me a little bit more credit because I can't handle this. So please whether it be the Bates or whoever reads this please say a prayer for me and my family. I know the Lord is the only one that can help so just take a second to say a prayer for me and my family. Thanks so very much

    1. Just said a prayer. I do hope you start to get better. Please give us an update!

  92. You deserve all the prayers we can say for you, hope it's not spread and that you recover quickly, lots of love to you and your family.

  93. As I watched Erin and Chad talk about their angel baby, I just wanted to hug them. I know what they are experiencing because I lost my first one. People think that just because it wasn't born and you didn't get to see it or hold it that there isn't any pain. But there is and it's a pain that we feel everyday. When I lost my precious angel the same night that my sister gave birth to my handsome nephew. So it's bittersweet on that day every year. I celebrate one life and mourn another. I even had a preacher tell me I wouldn't see my baby in heaven. I know that's not true. Why our babies in the awesome nursery ever and being lived cared for until we all are together. Each October is the pregnancy and infant loss awareness month and I have held candlelight ceremonies and memorials to remember our angel babies. It has really helped me a lot and it makes me feel I am not alone. I just wanted send this and say you are not alone. I understand what your felt and still feel. Please know that each of you are in my prayers and I pray for a lot if healthy grandbabies for this family. God bless each of you.

    1. Hugs to you. Miscarriages can be very painful. I remember all too well how sad it was.

  94. Weird that the June babies are in the numbers. We don’t for sure know their order yet.

  95. This family is the most loving family I have ever watched. I just wondered one thing. Since Michella and Chad cant have babies, why doesnt one of the sisters be a surrogate for them. Its still %100 their baby, and they would make the best parents. I see her heart breaking on the show. Just a thought, but susterly surrogate would be a blessing on both parties. Michella and Chad were meant to have many children, but atleast 1 wwould be the greatest gift.

  96. I am so sorry, I kept calling Brandon, Chad. My comment is since Michaela cant conceive, why don't one of the amazing sisters be a surrogate for them. The baby will be %100 their baby. Michaela and Brandon would be the most amazing parents. They can't have a large family, but what a blessing 1 baby would be and the joy their baby would bring would be such a blessing.

  97. We truly enjoy watching your family grow. We have been watching since the beginning. Truly Love Your Show

  98. I'm curious if any of the sister would consider being a surrogate for Michael? What a gift and blessing that would be for the family.

  99. What are Mama Jane and Papa Bill's birthdates?

    1. Mama Jane's they never specified but one episode for "ILY DAY", they mentioned she just had a birthday & I did sleuthing its like End of January 1940. Papa Bill's is July 4th, 1938

    2. Kelly wished Mama Jane Happy Birthday on January 27.

  100. What are Mama Jane and Papa Bill's birthdates?

  101. Apricate your efforts. Great work Lily and Ellie.

  102. What about adding Travis and Esther's birthdays? And also, Erin and Carlin are expecting.. :)

  103. Btw this page looks terrible on mobile. The left column takes up almost the entire screen. I never had this issue until a few months ago.

    1. I had the same issue, so I just turn my phone sideways!

  104. Hi does anyone know if the birthday blog going to be updated. I'm losing count on the babies. Thanks for your help

    1. Thank You so much for updating the Birthday Blog it's much appreciated for all your hard work.

  105. Ooof! You’re missing a few!!

  106. Can you update the pictures on your heading. Jackson is married and you don't show the wife picture

  107. Can you add the last 4 grand babies birthdays in the month order column please. The last one added to that column was Rhett.

  108. we need some wholesome family shows Like the duggar and bates around more often on tv I love the bates and Duggars

  109. I love the duggars and bates

  110. Such a heartwarming way to celebrate birthdays! It's lovely to see how you cherish these special moments with family. Thanks for sharing


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